DenFav2014-03-04 17:16:09
DenFav, 2014-03-04 17:16:09

How to increase PC performance with Albatron PX865PE Pro motherboard?

Good afternoon, dear forum users! Immediately I ask you not to judge for a possibly stupid question. I have an old PC:
Motherboard: Albatron PX865PE Pro
RAM: 2xDDR 400MHz 1GB (I think to double)
CPU: Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz
In general, this is enough.
The essence of the question is to disperse all this happiness for the father, because he does not want to buy a new PC, but he wants to disperse this one a little, but so as not to ruin it.
I got into the BIOS in the Frequency / Voltage Control settings:
I depend on the fact that HOST Frequency and CPU Ratio are complementary and both parameters affect DDR Speed. As I understand it, when choosing the HOST Frequency and CPU Ratio values, I have to "enter" the DDR Speed ​​value at 400MHz (I hope I understood everything correctly). But I want to understand how to choose the right values ​​for HOST Frequency and CPU Ratio so as not to harm the computer. And tell me how to work with other parameters correctly.
PS A huge request to fans of "do not understand" and "again burn everything" to pass by. I myself started with help from people who know this business;)

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2 answer(s)
Ivan Karabadzhak, 2014-03-05

I would do this:
1. Set the minimum multiplier.
2. Raise the bus frequency a little.
3. You bring to a stable maximum value.
4. If the memory frequency is now less than the range of 350-400 MHz, set the next multiplier in the list and goto point 1. If, of course, the memory can operate at a frequency of 400 MHz. If not, then similarly, but to its maximum value.
Thus, you find the optimal value for the frequency of the processor and memory, when everything works and the OS and games do not lag.
Also, if I reached the limit, I tried to play around with the processor voltage.
You can disable the Spread Spectrum filter. It can help to increase the processor frequency by a couple of MHz.
You reminded me of my childhood. When I came home from school and almost regularly once a week I experimented with the frequencies of the video card, after which I changed the BIOS for it. And the processor was constantly overclocked. Old Sempron 3000+. Rated 1.8, the maximum turned out to be 2.2. I remember collecting money for a new power supply and Athlon to overclock it properly. And then there was Athlon 2.7, which worked fine at 3.4, but with additional cooling.
Good luck.

oia, 2014-03-04

replace prots! for Pentium

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