SpeakeazyYT12019-08-12 12:37:29
SpeakeazyYT1, 2019-08-12 12:37:29

Why in my Google Chrome application, where 2 windows are created, the 2nd repeats the movement of the 1st, window 2 only moves horizontally?

Good evening.
I'm building my own Google Chrome app in JavaScript. I downloaded the source codes of the application https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-samples... from github 5 years ago, where 2 windows are created, the black window is not active for moving, the white window is active accordingly. When moving the white window, as we would like, the black window should also move, exactly how many coordinates horizontally and vertically, how much the white window moved. But as I said, it does not happen, namely, the black window, when moving the white one, only moves horizontally, but not vertically.
You can see it clearly here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHwqRoA9XM4
When I first started the application, I was immediately greeted by a warning in the console:

'webkitRequestAnimationFrame' is vendor-specific. Please use the standard 'requestAnimationFrame' instead.

In the windows.js file on line 7:
onload = function() {
  function update() {
    ['screenX', 'screenY', 'innerWidth', 'innerHeight'].forEach(function(prop) {
      document.getElementById(prop).innerText = window[prop];



  var minimizeNode = document.getElementById('minimize-button');
  if (minimizeNode) {
    minimizeNode.onclick = function() {
      chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(function(background) {

  var closeNode = document.getElementById('close');
  if (closeNode) {
    closeNode.onclick = function() {

I replaced webkitRequestAnimationFrame with requestAnimationFrame, the error disappeared from the console, but the windows still do not move normally

Also here is the main JS in the application that creates these windows and performs interaction actions - main.js
var windows = [];

 * Resets the windows and removes
 * any interval that is running
function reset() {

  windows.forEach( function (w) {
  } );

  windows.length = 0;

 * Initialise and launch the windows
 * @see http://developer.chrome.com/apps/app.window.html
function launch() {

  // reset everything

  // create the original window
  chrome.app.window.create('original.html', {
      id: "mainwin",
      innerBounds: {
        top: 128,
        left: 128,
        width: 300,
        height: 300,
        minHeight: 300,
        maxWidth: 500,
        minWidth: 300
      frame: 'none'

    // when that is created store it
    // and create the copycat window
    function(originalWindow) {


      chrome.app.window.create('copycat.html', {
        id: "copywin",
        innerBounds: {
          top: 128,
          left: 428 + 5,
          width: 300,
          height: 300,
          minHeight: 300,
          maxWidth: 500,
          minWidth: 300
        frame: 'none'

      function(copycatWindow) {

        // store the copycat

        // now have the copycat watch the
        // original window for changes

        originalWindow.onBoundsChanged.addListener(function() {
          var bounds = originalWindow.outerBounds;
          copycatWindow.outerBounds.left = bounds.left + bounds.width + 5;

        copycatWindow.onRestored.addListener(function() {
          console.log('copy restored');
          if (originalWindow.isMinimized())

        originalWindow.onRestored.addListener(function() {
          console.log('copy restored');
          if (copycatWindow.isMinimized())


 * Minimises both the original and copycat windows
 * @see http://developer.chrome.com/apps/app.window.html
function minimizeAll() {

  windows.forEach( function (w) {

// @see http://developer.chrome.com/apps/app.runtime.html

Please help me solve the problem.

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