Erl2014-11-03 06:21:51
Erl, 2014-11-03 06:21:51

Who can help with iron?

In general, I’ll start with the essence of the problem
, there is a laptop, once the operative burned out, replaced it and everything worked fine, and then suddenly it just started to blunt, or rather it happens like this, the OS loads, autorun starts and it’s all worth it, then Google chrome crashes, the explorer closes , the theme becomes a classic, and also continues to blunt
Win 7 x64
HDD 500Gb
Help me figure out the problem, because I don’t understand what’s the matter at all, I have 2 options: either hard or RAM
PS Demolished Windows, did a redistribution partitions, reinstalled the driver, it is unlikely that the matter is in the OS

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2 answer(s)
microphone, 2014-11-03

1) RAM memory - memtest86
2) hard drive from almost any boot drive - victoria

Alexey Smirnov, 2014-11-04

After diagnosing in the previous answer - see the errors in the Windows log

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