Alexander Flasher2017-06-14 15:54:31
Video broadcast
Alexander Flasher, 2017-06-14 15:54:31

What service or software will allow you to have a group video chat with screen sharing of each participant at the same time?

There is a task to organize a video chat or simultaneous broadcast between 5 people, 4 of which should show their screens and the 5th screen should be divided into 4 parts with these participants. Or 4 separate windows, each of which can be scaled and positioned in the right place.
It would be nice if the webcam image would also be shown in the right corner for each of these 4 participants. But this can be solved in another way. 4 participants may not see other participants (and their desktops) but only hear them. They should only have their desktop on the screen + a small preview from the webcam in the corner of the screen. The 5th participant (let's call him a moderator) must simultaneously see the screens of 4 (at least) other participants and have a voice chat with them. All participants are geographically scattered.
Is there a ready-made solution or a combination of which software can be used to implement this?
A cross-platform solution is desirable. Free or for a moderate fee.
For example, a voice chat can be organized in some kind of messenger, each of the participants starts broadcasting their screen to the network (with access via a link or with access to a specific person). The moderator opens those 4 links in separate browser windows or all broadcasts in one software tile window and watches. The question is the correct organization of 4 broadcasts to one person.
PS Crutches are also accepted.

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5 answer(s)
Alexandr Flasher, 2017-06-15

There was an option to run 4 sessions of TeamViewer 12. But rather heavy software, I would like something simpler
. As a result, we settled on an extension to Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webrtc-d...
It works quite stably. But a lot of manual labor. Register and distribute unique logins/passwords to all participants. We made a simple page with a 2x2 grid. Through the iframe embedded links with broadcasts. Completed its task.

Ezhyg, 2017-06-14

as an option - https://hangouts.google.com/?hl=ru

Viktor, 2017-06-14

Well, if we discard the condition that the moderator should be able to resize windows from his wards, then I would do the rest on FreeSwitch.
What does the moderator in your condition need to receive 4 video streams at once, which will load the moderator's network. Or you could set it up so that FreeSwitch on the server mixes the video streams of the participants and sends one stream to the moderator on which the streams of all participants are located. The moderator will get less traffic from this. But the server will be loaded from mixing.
But for all this, it will still be necessary to write a lot of code on the frontend.

Paul Nice, 2017-06-14

Ready-made solutions, a la polycom, are expensive.
You can also customize the session management logic around some video streaming server like Flussonic or Vovza.
You can either make a broadcast to one person on the server or try to do it on the client.
But here you need to be prepared for the fact that not every machine will feel good if ~ 30 Mbps video is used in its browser.

zubovd, 2017-06-16

pay attention to the TrueConf service

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