ghaffey942021-02-11 09:47:24
Career in IT
ghaffey94, 2021-02-11 09:47:24

What's wrong with the job?

My name is Gosha. I am working on a startup.
It so happened historically that we have backing on node + typescript.
I can't find a backender for the team for about a month now.
I would like to receive your comments. Is there something wrong with the job we are posting?
Link to career habr:

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4 answer(s)
Northern Lights, 2021-02-11

I am working on a startup.
I can't find a backender for the team for about a month now.
people just read the right articles from the ebanoe-it.ru/2020/12/28/right-way/ series.
Your startups are risks. And with livers, as one speaker in the comments boasted, you cannot lure an experienced person.
People choose proven, big companies that have been on the market for a long time, with whom problems are not expected.

you're just lying about vacancies.
a fork is a stupid divorce for suckers. 100 before taxes and 150 after; what kind of spread is this 2 times? do you have middles spread in salary by 2 times? or do you want to surprise a strong middle with a figure of 2k greens? This hasn't been news for 10 years.
further in the text. "the largest marketplaces of Russia". oh well))) they are not the largest and these statistics are open.
some work schedule, but we can shift. and we may not move. who is it written for? a dev with brains knows that it is important not to arrive on time, but to close the sprint on time. and it's not the same at all. grow up or something.
hence the corresponding responses. write the truth.

Vasily Bannikov, 2021-02-11

1. Well, proofread the text of the vacancy before posting at least:

Now we have launched in the beta version and are finishing up new sections. In this regard, we are expanding the product team. We need a confident backend developer.

It repeats twice.
2. In general, the vacancy does not look very "tasty". There is no mention of any goodies, there is no useful information about the company in the text, about the team either
. Here is an example of a good vacancy (IMHO): https://career.habr.com/vacancies/1000055885

AndromedaStar, 2021-02-11

Now any June will be happy to work for the minimum wage, that is, 12,792 rubles. You can take about 10 juns on the specified fork. You don’t have to spend money on equipment, remote work, or let them come with their laptops in the case of an office. I think 10 juns will easily replace one lazy middle.

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