syxoi2016-08-19 13:58:10
syxoi, 2016-08-19 13:58:10

What Linux distributions are there with package manager optimizations towards multi-threaded downloads?

The provider cuts the speed per connection, but multi-threaded download helps. The download speed per stream is ~20 kilobytes!, which is unacceptable for a 20 megabit channel.
I am looking for a Linux distribution (even any UNIX-like OS will do), where the ability to download n number of packages at the same time, or multi-threaded download of packages / s, is implemented.
Tried apt-fast but it doesn't work. For pacman, I tried to configure aria, but it also works crookedly and is not optimal for small packages, because for a 3 kb package, you need to open many connections, which slows down the sequential download of a large number of small packages.

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4 answer(s)
syxoi, 2016-09-15

The solution has been found!
In arch, in aura, there is a wonderful powerpill package that downloads several packages simultaneously and in a multithread. The download speed has increased from 20 kilobytes to 1.5 megabytes!
Also in debian/ubuntu there is apt-fast, which now works stably.

Melkij, 2016-08-19

If I remember correctly, Tor architecturally opens up a bunch of connections. And debian recently posted a mirror of packages directly to tor: https://habrahabr.ru/post/307208/
Try it.
UPD: I remember wrong. Tor runs on top of a single connection that changes periodically.
There are no good ideas yet.

Roman Mirilaczvili, 2016-08-19

For Debian-like distributions, try the cupt console package manager , which was inspired by apt.

Alexey Cheremisin, 2016-08-19

For ubuntu/debian there is apt-fast

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