Enniack2015-08-28 15:28:32
Enniack, 2015-08-28 15:28:32

What if there is no font?

I started working on the project, downloading the necessary fonts - I can’t find a couple in the public domain.
In such situations, it is necessary to contact the customer and ask for these fonts?

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3 answer(s)
Denis Ineshin, 2015-08-28

Yes. If they do not have such fonts, then ask the designer to replace them.

Pashchuk Ilya, 2015-08-28

Or if it is fundamentally important to buy!

Alexander Stepanov, 2015-08-29

With this question, either to the designer, or buy, or there is another way out: try to choose the most similar one) If the eye is trained, then this is done very quickly and easily)

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