Vladimir Kivva2013-02-13 11:40:35
Vladimir Kivva, 2013-02-13 11:40:35

Unable to start service "WDFUDS" with error 1450?

When trying to start the Windows Driver Doundation - User-mode Driver Framework service, an error occurs: "1450 insufficient system resources to complete the operation"
It all started with the replacement of the /system32/drivers/UMDF/WUDFUsbccidDriver.dll library, because, judging by log, it was she who caused a critical failure, leading to a reboot of the PC. I replaced the library with a larger one, after which some bank clients stopped working. I tried to replace it back - everything returned to normal. I updated the library again and updated the drivers according to the recommendations of bank clients for the latest versions. Earned smart cards, but not all. The dancing began.
Then the drivers for Smart card carriers stopped installing, here is the log: pastebin.com/RQcT75F3 .
Judging by the last log, you just need to start the WDFUDS service, which fails.
Swap file changed to fixed (4 GB) and moved to non-system drive. At the beginning of the experiments, "At the choice of the system" was set to "C:". Implemented recommendations for solving error 1450, i.е. the maximum size of the registry pool has been changed (if the value was applied at all), the maximum size of the registry has been changed. The number of GDI objects, according to the task manager, does not exceed 1000 per process. Paged and non-paged pools are about 200MB according to RamMap.
There were a lot of restore points, therefore it is no longer possible to return back, archiving has never been done, which we will fix in case of a successful repair.
On Habré, of course, you usually only get laughter and advice on backup in such matters, but I decided to put it as a duplicate.

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1 answer(s)
Vladimir Kivva, 2013-02-16

Replace with original two files:
And remove update KB2685813

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