AndyLarcin2014-11-21 11:29:26
AndyLarcin, 2014-11-21 11:29:26

ParseFloat correct work?

Essence of the question:
var extra_fee_code=parseFloat(ans['extra_fee_code']);
var extra_fee_subcode=parseFloat(ans['extra_fee_subcode']);
var extra_fee_payable=parseFloat(ans['extra_fee_payable']);
As a result, it produces NaN how to fix it?

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Sydorenko, 2014-11-21

It's hard to guess what exactly you have in ans .. But maybe so?

var extra_fee_code=parseFloat(ans.extra_fee_code);
var extra_fee_subcode=parseFloat(ans.extra_fee_subcode);
var extra_fee_payable=parseFloat(ans.extra_fee_payable);

But most likely you do not correctly form (send) ans (from php). Put a breakpoint in your JS code before the first call to parseFloat, and look in the inspector to see what's really in ans.

Denis Ineshin, 2014-11-21

NaN appears when you try to convert something into a number that can't be converted. For example: undefined, "", "string", etc.
Check what's in those variables initially.

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