Dmitry Shumov2020-10-27 14:16:34
Career in IT
Dmitry Shumov, 2020-10-27 14:16:34

Is this test normal?

Colleagues, maybe I’m paranoid, or it’s just normal now during a pandemic, or I just haven’t come across a job search for a long time .... But it seems to me that one of the test tasks (under the spoller) is not a task, but a TK that they then use. After all, you can’t write so briefly ..... And there are several such tasks / tasks ....


Задание 1

Подготовить новый кластер hyper-v из 3х нод.

3 сервера dell M620
СХД 3par 6200 (уже находится в эксплуатации)

Описать свои действия максимально подробно.


1. Рассказать обо всех создаваемых элементах

2. Нарисовать схему соединения оборудования

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4 answer(s)
Polina Sukhanova, 2020-10-27

Quite normal

Puma Thailand, 2020-10-28

The simplest test task of their standard tasks in this area.

marinadavydova083, 2020-10-28

I don't think it's anything special either. I met similar tasks

Alexey Artyushkov, 2020-10-29

A normal test task - I had a task without operating system tools to scan the PCI bus and display information about the devices on the screen, and at the same time the program had to be launched from a USB flash drive, and then also make a description of this program using the ESPD

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