HellWalk2017-04-10 17:49:55
HellWalk, 2017-04-10 17:49:55

What functionality needs to be done on yii2 so that the employer understands that I am familiar with it?

I work as an SEO-optimizer, this area has already gotten to the end, and for the last year I have been studying php, with plans to switch to a back-end php programmer (of course, while I am looking at junior level vacancies).
Many vacancies require knowledge of modern frameworks, mainly Yii2. I’ve been reading manuals for a week now, twisting and twisting this framework and thinking, what kind of functionality should be implemented on it, so that the employer would understand that I’m familiar with it?
And immediately for those who write a five-page list of functionality - the question is - is it needed? Make an impression? For example, from September to March, I wrote my bike, at a primitive level (at that time no one told me that everyone needed MVC), but with a lot of functionality: in addition to the classic registration / posts / comments / likes, I implemented a whole system of user characteristics (level, health, energy, etc.), items that could be bought/sold/dressed.
I spent half a year with this bike. In general, they do not look and do not look into what I wrote there.
And here the question arises - maybe it’s enough to make some static business card site with a couple of pages on Yii2 and that will be enough? Anyway, 90% of employers do not delve into what kind of sites are in the portfolio and what functionality is implemented there.

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6 answer(s)
Dmitry Bay, 2017-04-10

It all depends on how savvy the employer is.
If the employer has no experience, then everything will come down to this:
- You know? Show the sites you have made. Okay, you're accepted.
If the employer is savvy (the programmer communicates with you), then they will look based on what the employer is looking for.
Perhaps you will be asked to show a piece of code, or ask for access to the project.
In short, first of all, I would pay attention to:
1) Have you changed VEndor. No kidding, but there are still such people.
2) Are you using migrations.
3) whether you use the language helpers to the fullest, and do not write through $_GET['param'] and other standard PHP language functions.
... 4) there is a lot more here, including the beauty of the code, and the full use of MVC.
5) tests hang separately. if a person has mastered them and writes tests first, then we can say with confidence that he has passed all the previous points.
Again, knowledge of the framework comes down to the fact that you know where to read the manual for a particular item. And how the main things are written.

SharuPoNemnogu, 2017-04-10

You need to write not in order to show someone to check it out, but in order to get to know the framework in all its subtleties. You can sketch your mega site with characteristics and blackjack through gii in half a day without delving into the internal mechanisms and chips.
As for "half a year I wrote something that no one needs", get used to it, this is the whole essence of the programmer's work.
The employer will not look at all the functionality that you are sculpting there, MB will pay attention to some interesting difficult moments that show your skill, but it is unlikely. The code is asked to see the design style and the presence of govnocode (extra / not declared variables for example).
What to write? Basically it's crm.

hufawoso, 2017-04-10

That's right, because Today there is yii, but tomorrow it will no longer be supported and it will be necessary to write on another framework.
Therefore, employers first of all look at the knowledge of native php, the ability to find solutions, and the general adequacy of a person.

Maxim Timofeev, 2017-04-10

The question is how familiar is the employer with him?
If a specialist checks your work, then a well-implemented abstract module or widget hosted on github will suit him. And if your work has likes, all the more excellent.
If the decision maker is there "as usual", then it's worth making a beautiful admin panel, you can take the LTEAdmin template to stick a bunch of animated graphs, etc. "dust in the eye"
I often met studios (so far I was sure that working in a studio is promising and profitable), which work like a pipeline releasing the same type of landing pages on wp and want to have one yii specialist, because sometimes they ask. But since they do not have a specialist to evaluate the degree of mastery of fremework, the evaluation criteria can be quite paradoxical. Here you will have to trade more with your face than show skills, or they will drive in php and OOP. By the way, you need to know php and OOP in any case.

Alexander Aksentiev, 2017-04-10

enough to be able to do any job they say.
those. feel comfortable during development, and not sweat and bleed with an "incomprehensible" task even before it starts.
And this applies more to the language itself, of course, and horizons, the framework is just a tool.
Check no one checks anything, how to check it? According to the documentation to drive by heart?

Vadim Matkarimov, 2017-05-06

Your task is to get a job as a novice PHP developer, and not demonstrate knowledge of the framework, although this is, of course, a plus, but, as for me, it is better to know the language itself well, understand its subtleties, bottlenecks, be able to write understandable code, tests for it. I will give a real example from my life on demand for a candidate for the position of a PHP developer, the text was left unchanged, it may be useful:
Ok, please find an open-source php project on github, select the issue (or several) you like, complete it and send it to me pull request link. You can create an issue yourself. The main thing is that the task is interesting to you.
Evaluation criteria:
- Impact of the selected task
- Code quality (correctness, performance, elegance)
- Readability of the code and documentation (good programming is a plus)
- Testing
- Clear communication in the pull request, explain how you solved the problem, talk about possible pitfalls, and provide a dialogue with the maintainer(s) of the project if possible.
The better the completed task shows you as a developer, the better. Best if you target https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues or any other mvc framework

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