Gagatyn2018-03-11 16:24:15
mobile connection
Gagatyn, 2018-03-11 16:24:15

Is it possible to get unlimited internet?

I bought a usb modem a few months ago, it recently turned out that the tariffs were cut. Now you can only use unlimited modem services with cloud storage
Mail.ru Cloud, Yandex Disk, Dropbox (Windows), iCloud (iOS)
In theory, is it possible to create in the region. iframe storage and upload the site of interest to it and use it unlimitedly?
Will we deceive the operator with such an action?

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3 answer(s)
15432, 2018-03-11

The forums are still selling SIM cards with anlim tariffs. Anything is better than bypassing restrictions through your ass.

Dmitry Tallmange, 2018-03-11

You won't cheat at all.
Traffic is grouped by subnets: these addresses are charged, these are not. For example, there is a list of all Mail.ru IP addresses, connection and data transfer with which are not charged at all. The rest - according to the tariff.
The only way is to add your addresses to the operator's billing)

Oleg, 2018-03-11

MTS has an unlimited, but with a speed cut, for 800 rubles per month (Unlimited Internet
at an optimal speed of 4 Mbps) www.mts.ru/mob_connect/tariffs/tariffs/dlya_noutbuka

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