mrRoss2015-08-23 12:28:38
mrRoss, 2015-08-23 12:28:38

How to upload a file to a network folder?

Good afternoon!
Need help with the following task:
There are 2 servers, let's call them Server 1 and Server 2
Server 1 has Windows Server 2003 Apache + PHP5 installed.
The second one has Windows Server 2003 installed, there is a local network between the servers.
Is it possible to upload a file to Server2 through the upload form located on Server1?
Thanks for the answer.

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3 answer(s)
mrRoss, 2015-08-25

Simply in a script addressed to the server and everything earned...

Armenian Radio, 2015-08-23

Apache under the vein? Monsieur knows a lot about perversions.
The file can be downloaded. Attach the folder as a network drive, for example.

Andrey Raboy, 2015-08-24

there was a similar answer here, try to mount the partition from Server 2 to a folder on Server 1
describe the situation in more detail

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