Michael2020-03-04 15:22:54
Digital certificates
Michael, 2020-03-04 15:22:54

How to remove aliases in an SSL certificate?

I was surprised to learn that letsencrypt began to glue all sites that are served on my server in the properties of the certificate. I don't want to reveal which sites I serve.
The question is how to paste them, or if it can not be done already, then get a certificate, since I need www.sitename.ru and sitename.ru - without inclusions.

PS Why did you do that? Xs..

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3 answer(s)
Michael, 2020-03-06

If for someone in the future, it will be important to remove many other alias from one certificate on your server . I have
identified one option - re-issuing all certificates for each site separately.
1. Run the utility in the console letsencrypt
2. It will give you all the sites that it finds (we are talking about Nginx, I don’t use other options)
3. Choose which site you want to get a certificate for. Usually I do it on sitename.ru and www.sitename.ru - but you act out of your
situationscertbot -v renewNo renewals were attempted.
5. Profit - everything works and each site has its own certificate and aliases that you ordered (and not like mine - there are 20 sites in one certificate, which it was very undesirable to advertise and connect with each other)
Do not forget to restart your web server! If something went wrong (like mine, for example) and certbot swears at the wrong config of one or more (or even all sites), then go to the directory and look at the size of the config files, they should not be equal to zero. (See screenshot) If there are any, feel free to delete them. Do (just in case) restart the web server and then again. It should end up like in my screenshot (but taking into account your situation and the number of sites) Thank you all for your participation and good luck!service nginx reload
cd /etc/letsencrypt/renewal
команда ll

CityCat4, 2020-03-04

No way. Nothing can be deleted from the received certificate and nothing can be corrected - and this is its meaning. See your CSR - what did you submit to LE.

Zolg, 2020-03-04

letsencrypt - what does it have to do with it? what was requested (and what he was able to validate) then he signed
deal with how you request certificates

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