gopster2020-12-19 16:43:11
gopster, 2020-12-19 16:43:11

How to make an inactive virtual desktop play video?

Created two virtual desktops (win10). At the first, I launched a YouTube video in the browser and a program for broadcasting the desktop (OBS) to Twitch.
Launched the broadcast and switched to the second virtual desktop.
I opened a new browser and entered my link to twitch, but the video from the desktop is not played on the broadcast, only the sound. The desktop itself is broadcast, but instead of the video, the black screen of the player.
Is it possible to leave the video active using standard win10 tools or is there any third-party software?

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1 answer(s)
gopster, 2020-12-19

I found a solution for chrome 1. type chrome://flags
into the browser line 2. search the site: occlusion 3. disable this option Expand the video to full screen, cut the stream and work quietly with other desktops

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