Roma2015-10-30 15:58:10
Roma, 2015-10-30 15:58:10

How to launch a large-scale social network?

Hello. I want to create a social network and I have an idea for this, the necessary material and a good investor, my role is project manager. I need advice from people who know a lot about this business, I will be grateful for your help :)
- How can I protect the site design and functionality from copying. There is an option like a patent or something simpler?
- If I am a project manager, there is an investor and maybe there will be 3 persons who will contribute to the project, then I will need to create a joint-stock company?

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11 answer(s)
Danil Karimov, 2015-11-02

Hello Konstantin, and thanks for the invitation. I will go straight to the heart of the matter, without an ephemeral discussion of the idea.
The first thing you need to do to protect your copyrights is to contact lawyers. As far as I know, website design can be protected by notarization. The code is protected in the same way. But, in order not to mislead you, all the same, it is worth consulting with experts. I know a lawyer (I gave a profile from Spark, but there is a Facebook page address), we had a once-controversial dialogue on defending ideas. Try asking him more specifically.
Roughly speaking, you do not need to create a joint-stock company if you are not going to issue shares. Up to this point, still oh how far away.
At the first stage, an LLC is enough, since it also provides for the division of responsibility and income shares.
I hope my answer will be useful to you. Good luck!

riot26, 2015-10-30

It is worth waiting a week after watching the movie "The Social Network", and suddenly stupid thoughts will disappear

Optimus, 2015-10-30
Pyan @marrk2

How can I protect the site design and functionality from copying. Is there an option like a patent or something simpler?

This is not the main problem of the social network)))
Let me guess the third party is a designer with a share of 33%
Essentially, check
out Will a social network that combines the functions of ask.fm and vk.com be relevant?
Which engine to choose for corporate social. networks?
Which free CMS to choose for a thematic social network (main content - photo)?
Are there statistics on the use of social networks depending on seasonality?

Igor Kalashnikov, 2015-10-30

- How can I protect the site design and functionality from copying. Is there an option like a patent or something simpler?

VKontakte calmly took what he needed from Facebook and that's okay. Moreover, by making your network you steal 10 times more ideas than you create.
Fighting for copyrights, especially in such ephemeral areas as "idea", "design", "functionality" is an even more stupid idea than poking a windmill with a spear.
It is better to go to a lawyer, explain to him what conditions are involved and draw up the necessary piece of paper. Although maybe someone here can recommend something.

Michael, 2015-11-01

"I have ... , ... and a good investor for this"
Congratulations: you don't have an investor.
1) An adequate investor who actually has money will demand the results of customer development
2) An inadequate "investor" with money left over from the loader's salary after drinking will not raise such a project.
"my role is project manager"
"How do I protect the site's design and functionality from being copied"
And one more congratulations: if this is the primary problem [and it obviously is] that you care so much that you are on it spent a few dozen letters, then you don’t have a project manager.

Arthur, 2015-10-30

Here is your idea! The whole social network!

MetaDone, 2015-10-30

the safety of the sources will be ensured by contracts with the performers and their honesty,
and the second point is the division of the skin of an unkilled bear. first do something and then dream of a transcontinental corporation.
but if a miracle happens and the project takes off, it would be better to ask the lawyers

loxenehej, 2016-02-23

You don't care about those questions at all.
The most difficult thing is to create and promote. The second is more difficult.
Legal issues compared to these points - complete nonsense.
Nobody needs your design. If you have it thwarted - you need to be proud.
The division of shares, if we are talking about an investor, and not about Baba Masha, who temporarily gave you what was set aside for the funeral, then they themselves can do everything, as a rule, it’s just an LLC. No shares.

Elizaveta Borisova, 2015-10-31

- How can I protect the site design and functionality from copying. Is there an option like a patent or something simpler?
- If I am a project manager, there is an investor and maybe there will be 3 persons who will contribute to the project, then I will need to create a joint-stock company?

It doesn't matter. You will first launch the project and get the first million users, then you will think about it.

Puma Thailand, 2015-10-31

1) no way
2) you can just ooo with shares

Alexander Fedortsev, 2017-04-19

Roman, how are you doing? At what stage now??

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