Dessare2015-12-02 23:08:55
Dessare, 2015-12-02 23:08:55

How to integrate a website with wordpress?

I made up the site. Converted pages to php format. I put them in the themes folder in wordpress. Created additional header.php and footer.php pages. Specify the name of the theme in the css file.
Arranged get_header() and get_footer() in files. The main page opens normally, but there are problems with the rest. Firstly, I don't know how to place links correctly. My link takes me to the page of this file in the wordpress theme folder. And it throws the error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in *url*". This is because I opened the site outside of wordpress. How to put a link to the desired page in wordpress? If you create it inside wordpress by clicking "create page", then for some reason it opens the main one.

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3 answer(s)
Mr Crabbz, 2015-12-02

You should google "Wordpress Codex", "Wordpress template hierarchy" and "Creating wordpress themes tutorial". Well, it's better to start with underscores.me

Valeriy Donika, 2015-12-02

themble.com/bones is also a starting template. With SASS etc.

Dmitry Khristoev, 2015-12-03


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