krembrule20162019-09-04 18:15:22
Health and computer
krembrule2016, 2019-09-04 18:15:22

How to eat optimally while working with your head?

I made a discovery for myself - the effect of simple carbohydrates on the body. Previously, I perceived conversations on this topic as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcompetence of old women watching Malakhov's health programs. (I don't know if they're still running). So, I have been tormented by the question for a long time - why am I such a lazy zheppa, why do I constantly want to sleep? And on the Internet, I came across the information that simple carbohydrates cause laziness and drowsiness, namely their high consumption. I tried to calculate how many simple carbohydrates I consume per day and I was really stunned, the excess of the norm was not that significant, but GIANT. In short, completely eliminated simple carbohydrates from the diet. This turned out to be very difficult and required adjusting the diet, which began to be dominated by complex carbohydrates and proteins. And here I was born again: drowsiness went away and motivation appeared, not even motivation, but the desire to live and move on. Then I started experimenting with simple carbohydrates, because it can't be an absolute evil. Of course, I did not go back to the old doses, but I discovered that if I slowly sip Coca-Cola in the process of work, for example, taking one sip every 10 minutes, then I can be more productive. This really turns out to be tangible, if you turn off all simple carbohydrates from the diet, you will feel how, in the process of active mental activity, the brains will boil and refuse to work. Of course, everything is individual. I'm thin, and I admit that for an overweight person, everything will proceed differently. By the way, I lost even more weight after I gave up simple carbohydrates. I didn’t go back to the old doses, but I discovered that if I slowly sip Coke in the process of work, for example, taking one sip every 10 minutes, then I can be more productive. This really turns out to be tangible, if you turn off all simple carbohydrates from the diet, you will feel how, in the process of active mental activity, the brains will boil and refuse to work. Of course, everything is individual. I'm thin, and I admit that for an overweight person, everything will proceed differently. By the way, I lost even more weight after I gave up simple carbohydrates. I didn’t go back to the old doses, but I discovered that if I slowly sip Coke in the process of work, for example, taking one sip every 10 minutes, then I can be more productive. This really turns out to be tangible, if you turn off all simple carbohydrates from the diet, you will feel how, in the process of active mental activity, the brains will boil and refuse to work. Of course, everything is individual. I'm thin, and I admit that for an overweight person, everything will proceed differently. By the way, I lost even more weight after I gave up simple carbohydrates. then you will feel how in the process of active mental activity the brains will boil and refuse to work. Of course, everything is individual. I'm thin, and I admit that for an overweight person, everything will proceed differently. By the way, I lost even more weight after I gave up simple carbohydrates. then you will feel how in the process of active mental activity the brains will boil and refuse to work. Of course, everything is individual. I'm thin, and I admit that for an overweight person, everything will proceed differently. By the way, I lost even more weight after I gave up simple carbohydrates.
Are you watching your diet? Who has some secrets for maintaining the "combat" shape of the bowler hat? What do you eat and drink for more efficient intellectual work?

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11 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2019-09-04

I never followed my diet. I eat mostly meat, drink beer and coffee. I regularly oscotinate with stronger drinks, in the process of oskotining I smoke non-stop.

Ivan Bogachev, 2019-09-04

Who has some secrets for maintaining the "combat" shape of the bowler hat? What do you eat and drink for more efficient intellectual work?

In my (perhaps subjective) experience, new tastes and smells of food are just as good at clearing the mind as walking in unfamiliar places and other changes. And, unlike many classes, culinary experiments are available - no need to go anywhere or spend a lot of money. Moreover, it does not matter at all what exactly to eat, it is important to constantly try new things. If you eat the same thing for a long time, then your head starts to think worse, no matter what the composition of the products is. So it seems to me that all these calculations of proteins, carbohydrates and everything else - from the evil one, work exclusively at the first moment when a person’s diet changes dramatically and, in contrast, the well-being of the brain improves, so to speak. And do not forget that when removing products from circulation it is very easy to wafer the loss of certain vitamins from consumption,

Tomato Potato, 2019-09-05

slowly sipping Coca-Cola, for example, taking one sip every 10 minutes, you can be more productive

In such a simple way, you will make more productive and wealthy:
1) nutritionists
2) dentists
3) Insulin manufacturers (yes, diabetes is somewhere nearby)
4) Coca Cola manufacturers (well, this is understandable).
Personally, I eat like this and feel great:
French breakfast without flour pastries (such as croissants and other things) is fried croutons, young cheese or melted quality, sometimes boiled eggs or scrambled eggs (but not often) + natural black coffee without sugar naturally, not soluble.
Russian lunch is usually soup + salad or porridge from traditional Russian cereals + tea. From meat I eat fish (phosphorus and omega 3 fats are needed), beef liver (vitamin B12 as an anemia prevention), chicken breast (pure protein for muscles). I eat meat three days a week, four days I don't eat meat at all. The fact is that meat, even if it is dietary, is a heavy food that heavily burdens the liver.
Vegetarian dinner . Salad of fresh vegetables + fruits and herbal tea to sleep peacefully.
And physical activity is a must . It goes without saying. I work out every day on a fitness program from googleplay.
As for alcohol: I drink high-quality dry red wine with a protected designation about once a month, not table wine. You get fat from beer + kidneys suffer, and you naturally get dumber from strong alcoholic drinks, and I have a personal example when a person who moderately consumes strong alcohol became schizophrenic and is now on disability.
This lifestyle allows me to get enough sleep and keep my BMI (body mass index) normal.

Ronald McDonald, 2019-09-04

Zhru McDonald's, Burger, KFC.
90% - I eat homemade.
Shavik, sweet with tea and coffee.
Sometimes I eat good cognac and vodka.
In the mood - doshik.
Those who like to dig deeper into what will be their own feces I consider hipsters, those who like to count "calories" and go on diets are gay.
Oh yes, and everything is fine with the thinker - I get a second tower, I absorb a lot of new things at work, I write often and a lot in different sources all sorts of smart things.

sim3x, 2019-09-04

I used to perceive conversations on this topic as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe competence of old women
and keep doing it
Just because you think it works doesn't mean it works
Instead of thinking - build muscle and endurance
предполагаю, что ваш организм подумал, что у вас проблемы со жрачкой и что скоро придет конец
И если поднатужиться, то можно спастись
Вот только в таком режиме невозможно быть всегда

Andrew, 2019-09-05

He also drastically reduced his carbohydrate intake. When I feel that everything, the pot no longer cooks, I lie down for 15 minutes and pass out, after a short charge and I am back in service for a couple of hours, then again a break.

jamtuson, 2019-09-24

You may not be getting enough vitamins.
For example, do you drink coffee? Caffeine has a bad effect on vitamin b, and its lack causes irritability and fatigue.

Vladislav Lyskov, 2019-09-04

I don’t follow, I want to eat - I eat, I don’t want - I don’t eat, when I want - it’s scrambled eggs, pizza, shawarma, burgers, pilafs, lagmans, dumplings and more

Grigory Boev, 2019-09-05

If sugar makes you sleepy, get tested for diabetes. This is the first symptom.

Alexey Nikolaev, 2019-09-05

Balanced. You will not recover from the consequences of healthy lifestyle fanaticism for the rest of your life. In short, you need everything, but in moderation.

Sergey Nekrasov, 2019-09-07

Not a supporter of any diets, such as give up one or the other, the stomach is like a second brain, no matter how you try to deceive it, in the end it will deceive you and throw a couple of kg in pursuit. More vegetables, fiber, meat, fish, go less to supermarkets that are designed so that people go out with full baskets. 90% of what is in supermarkets is not of natural origin. But I have nothing against fast food either. Why not stop by on the weekend and eat junk food, yes it is harmful, but the brain gets pleasure, let's not deny it, so why not once a week. For me personally, the biggest enemy is sugar, I buy mineral water instead of cola. I try to consume less sugar, although it is added everywhere, from bread to sauces!)

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