KhasanM2021-01-26 11:27:29
Health and computer
KhasanM, 2021-01-26 11:27:29

How do programmers monitor the health of the eyes, vision or spine?

For example, I was learning C# and was planning to develop a mobile game.
But I started having problems with my eyes.
Dry eyes.
The area under the eyes darkened, the skin above them turned pink.
Our doctors are stupid (literally). I visited them three times, but each doctor wrote a different treatment for the same problems. They don't know how to help me.
Then I went to the city and there, in a private clinic, they prescribed me a completely different treatment, they said that I urgently needed a laser operation, that if I had trusted the previous doctors and had not been examined by them, I could have lost my sight. Paid there 20,000 rubles. Well, there was already a different level with the doctor - it was evident.

After that, the problems that haunted me then more or less disappeared, but new ones have already come, sometimes there is a feeling that there is colitis in the eye. Eye color is just as important.

And here is one of the main and important questions...

That doctor in a private clinic told me that I should often take breaks in front of the computer.

Yes, I spend a lot of time in front of the computer, you can say my main life is inside the screen.
BUT, he told me that I should take breaks EVERY 20 minutes of work in front of the computer FOR 20 minutes of REST.

This is bullying. In 20 minutes, our brain does not even have time to concentrate on work! (There is such a study).
In twenty minutes you won't have time to fart, not to mention creating mobile games, or learning to code!

I need your advice!!
I'm sure there are people who have had similar problems.

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13 answer(s)
approximate solution, 2021-01-26

EVERY 20 minutes of work in front of the computer FOR 20 minutes of REST.

I have a watch on my hands - vibration every 30 minutes, I get up, pour water from the cooler, do mini eye exercises.
Bottom line: every 30 minutes, the 4k image reappears. For the back - an office chair with a rigid back (without a rocking mechanism).
At lunch, after eating, it is better not to sit on the priest, if possible - take a walk, stand with colleagues, discuss something.
Sports in the evening after work. Running, swimming, gym = the most useful thing for a programmer. You can still bang a beer after swimming, it also adds tone.
PS : at the age of 20, he had an operation on his eyes - it was -6, it became 100%.
For 10 years, the list above - with vision and back, so far everything is fine.

tugo, 2021-01-26

Dry eyes

1. Moisturizing drops.
2. Humidity in the room is above 40%. The influence of this factor, I think, is not so great, because. dry eyes due to the fact that we blink less when working at a PC.
Our doctors are stupid (literally). I visited them three times, but each doctor wrote a different treatment for the same problems. They don't know how to help me.

Yes, different diagnoses from different doctors are sad. Understand for yourself this state of affairs and not trust one doctor completely.
Then I went to the city and there, in a private clinic, they prescribed me a completely different treatment, they said that I urgently needed a laser operation, that if I had trusted the previous doctors and had not been examined by them, I could have lost my sight. Paid there 20,000 rubles. Well, there was already a different level with the doctor - it was evident.

When visiting a doctor, I make an adjustment for the place where I visit him.
1. Free doctor (CMI polyclinic). I suppose that if you don’t die, send you away or, as a last resort, appoint a cheaper diagnostics (X-ray instead of MRI), an appointment in 3 months (maybe you won’t come or it will heal itself). Those. they do not have the task of taking your health directly to heart and fighting for it. This is on average. You might get lucky and end up with an indifferent doctor.
2. Paid polyclinic (VHI or for money). Here they may have the task of driving you away for all kinds of analyzes (pulling money from the insurance company or from you, but it’s difficult to pull it from the insurance company). Especially if the studies and doctors are right in this clinic.
The doctor who says that he doesn’t care where you do the research, donate blood, etc., is the most trustworthy. We just need such and such studies.
This is just lyrics, I do not question the need for laser surgery for you.
but new ones have already arrived, sometimes there is such a feeling as if there is a colitis in the eye. Eye color is just as important.

You should see another doctor, another. With all the conclusions of previous doctors. Yes, it's expensive. Yes, it is possible after 3-4-5 doctors to come to the diagnosis - "non-dangerous garbage, does not affect health."
BUT, he told me that I should take breaks EVERY 20 minutes of work in front of the computer FOR 20 minutes of REST.

This is the first time I've seen such a hard limit. But perhaps it is necessary. The usual requirements when working at a PC are 45-50 minutes of work, 10-15 minutes of rest. But this is for healthy people.
Just imagine that you neglect the recommendations, kill your eyesight and reach a good level in your field in 3-5 years. But vision is everything. What's next? How to work and make money? Forced to change jobs?
This is bullying. In 20 minutes, our brain does not even have time to concentrate on work! (there is a study)

And you try out of interest. Set a timer and work like this for a week. And see the results.
I think that your eyes will rest, and your brain will not stop working.
How do programmers monitor the health of the eyes, vision or spine?

1. Select the correct vision correction.
2. Exercise. They walk for an hour a day.
I hate exercise and don't always want to go out. I'm under 40 and my body said "enough". I try to walk and go to the gym.
3. Pick up a good monitor. As much as possible and further away from yourself. No PWM backlight. With minimum comfortable brightness. Perhaps you should read about the TV as a monitor.
I have a Dell U2312HM, 9 years old, the brightness is set to 0. I thought everything, for a long time, until it breaks. But no, they say that 4k monitors are not a whim, but a useful thing for the eyes.
4. Do not work more than 40 hours a week, do not work on weekends. By the age of 40, you feel how processing greatly affects productivity. Bad health from overwork does not turn on sharply at the age of 40 - it doesn’t work well at 25, it’s just that the body’s reserves are still enough.

Vladimir, 2021-01-26

Everything that is written below is purely my personal experience and does not claim to be true.
I am 33 years old, I have astigmatism in my right eye, congenital farsightedness in one eye +2 the second +4 was diagnosed at the age of 17.
there was a period of 4 years long when I worked at a computer for 12 hours in a row (there were shifts 3 to 3)
Dryness in the eyes - humidity is a key factor if drops are as mentioned above.
eye fatigue:
1 the selection of glasses is very important, I conducted an experiment and went through diagnostics with ordering glasses in three different companies. despite the fact that the recipes are 98% identical
2 it is important to have a variety of activities for the eyes, when I go to/from work by car or motorcycle, my eyes do not get so tired during the day, compared to the option when I get to work by subway. During any break, I try to make tea/coffee and drink while looking out the window at something in the distance.
3 you need to choose a monitor for yourself, you should not make too low brightness / contrast - you should be comfortable reading from the monitor.
at the moment my vision has deteriorated slightly at the age of 17 it was +2 and +4 diopters
last year was diagnosed in two different places +2.3 and +4.4 diopters

Anton, 2021-01-26

Well, first of all:
In Windows 10, you can reduce the emission from the blue glow screen, the screen should be warmer (yellowish).
Second: Buy yourself glasses for working at a computer, such glasses use lenses with a special coating, for vision 0 - -2 such lenses come out within 2000 rubles.
Third: Do not take as an axiom 50% work and 50% rest. As soon as you feel eye strain, go smoke.
Take care of the lighting above the workplace, it is desirable that your table is evenly lit during the day. It is bad when the screen gives more light than the lamp.
During walks, and an hour before bedtime, as well as during meals - no gadgets, screens, TVs ... Eyes should rest.
Work no more than 6 hours a day, spend the remaining two hours on brain activity, discussions. On weekends, do not work at all, from the word at all, gain tone, more movements.
Eat more vegetables, carrots, beets, fish, buckwheat, drink more water.
Do eye exercises, often look out the window into the distance, but not at the sky, but at distant objects.
Do you wear glasses or lenses and do you sometimes experience headaches? If the lenses are not made correctly, ie. with an error when the center of focus is shifted, or the cylinder is in the opposite direction - you create the feeling that you seem to see, but your head often hurts, fatigue and fatigue appear. From here you want to sit more comfortably, relax your muscles, and at some point you no longer hold your posture. Sit as you please
Buy a horizontal bar, just to hang on it, straightening your back, do at least some gymnastics in the morning. Not for records, as much as you can. Walk in the evening for at least an hour around the neighborhood, at home, anywhere. In advanced cases - a swimming pool, at least on Saturdays.
There will be an opportunity - to go to Ikea or whatever you have there - sit on different chairs, stools and at different tables. Find a comfortable one for you, but remember, the more comfortable, the more relaxed you will be. Sometimes I just sit on a wooden stool, productivity is even increasing ....

Saboteur, 2021-01-26

The older I got, the more comfortable the workplace was.
Now an ergonomic chair, a large monitor with an adequate scale. The brightness of the monitor is not twisted, the lighting around is sufficient so that the monitor does not stand out as a white spot against the general background, without flickering.
In life, there is a sports hobby to strain up to sweat a couple of times a week.
Well, nutrition - I do not abuse vitamins, just a varied diet.

mkone112, 2021-01-27

Our doctors are stupid (literally). I visited them three times, but each doctor wrote a different treatment for the same problems. They don't know how to help me.
Then I went to the city and there, in a private clinic, they prescribed me a completely different treatment, they said that I urgently needed a laser operation, that if I had trusted the previous doctors and had not been examined by them, I could have lost my sight. Paid there 20,000 rubles. Well, there was already a different level with the doctor - it was evident.

They are not stupid - they just don't care. Your health is your problem. The existence of doctors does not eliminate the need to think with your own head. If you want to be cured, you will find a way out. When I had problems with my back, I started to learn anatomy and vertebrology. It's time for you to understand that no one owes you anything, and start mastering ophthalmology.

asd111, 2021-01-27

Set monitor brightness to 0 and increase font size to 150% (in windows) and use dark themes in IDE and browser (dark reader).
I also had dry eyes and drops + lowering the brightness and increasing the fonts completely solved the problem with dryness.

theuser, 2021-01-27

No way. I went to an MRI - hernias / cysts, my eyes have long sat down since my student days, I went to an ultrasound scan of the BCA - it turns out that the neck vessels are pinched, this causes fog and tinnitus in my head. A couple of years ago, someone else put the VSD due to a feeling of lack of air. How to treat something - no one is a dream or a spirit, for a prescription - drink pills.
Turned 30 years exactly.
Lie down and die)

Vladimir Korotenko, 2021-01-26

Encoding is the fastest step. The rest is inventing the algorithm. Here is the line of it on paper. Also try a standing table. Like people say good for the back.

Developer, 2021-01-26

I've been at a computer for 30 years and have no problems with my eyes.
Basic rules - a screen at a distance of at least 50 cm from the eyes, rest every 20-30 minutes, daily walks for at least an hour or two, a high-quality monitor with a frequency of at least 85 Hz. Is 120 or 240 better?

Dmitry, 2021-01-26

The first step is to check monitors and other light sources for flicker. The simplest way is to try to shoot a video of a monitor screen filled with white, or to do a stroboscopic test (for example, quickly draw a pencil in front of the monitor). If streaks are visible, or if the pencil moves as if in jerks, then there is a problem. Flicker (even invisible to the eye, such as PWM below hundreds of hertz) can cause severe eye fatigue. At one of the works, one of the two monitors at the workplace had to be replaced, as well as fluorescent lamps with inductive ballasts above it, after which it became more or less comfortable.

rainden, 2021-01-27

Everything related to vision (and I have problems with it since childhood), you must follow the following rules:
1. It is necessary to take breaks or alternate activities, by the way, SanPiN also speaks about this (clause 1.2 of Appendix No. 7 to SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03).
2. If there is increased dryness of the eyes - use drops.
3. The correct position at the computer.
4. Set up the monitor.
5. Set up ambient lighting.
As for the spine, the Gravislider spinal traction device and exercises to strengthen the back muscles help me. Considering that everyone sitting there has osteochondrosis, 15 minutes for stretching and 20 minutes for muscles is not such a big waste of time. All this has a positive effect both on the structure of the spine and on the blood supply to the brain, and consequently on vision, hearing, etc.

Daria, 2021-01-27

Just buy glasses for the PC (with a blue light filter) this is exactly what makes your eyes hurt, tired, squint and so on. With such glasses, the eyes do not hurt at all even after a day in front of the monitor. I have not been working without these glasses for three years)

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