SESRGA2015-11-29 21:36:13
SESRGA, 2015-11-29 21:36:13

How to choose start position of owl-carousel in wordpress?

I put owl-carousel on the site, everything works, the plugin suits, but there is one thing. I have a carousel on my blog and it is necessary that when the page is opened, it is the last added slides that are visible, and not the first ones. While I'm digging through the js files, I can't find anything. Can anyone advise?

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1 answer(s)
Ivan Orlov, 2015-12-01

There is a method owl.jumpTo(x)

      navigation : true,
      slideSpeed : 300,
      paginationSpeed : 400,
      singleItem : true
  var lenCarousel = $("#owl-demo").find('.owl-item').length;
  var owl = $("#owl-demo").data('owlCarousel');
  owl.jumpTo(lenCarousel -1);

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