Ivan Petrov2018-11-17 23:58:24
Ivan Petrov, 2018-11-17 23:58:24

How to choose a direction in freelancing (web development)?

Who works on freelance, share your experience - how did you start, how did you choose the direction in which you work?
Freelancing is full of tasks - different cms, different technologies. After all, you need to somehow choose one thing, you can’t take on different tasks and understand the technology when performing the task.

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6 answer(s)
⚡ Kotobotov ⚡, 2018-11-18

For the first three years, I jumped around in different areas, trying everything I could, copying everything in a row, creating shit (for a penny).
then I more or less found an area where I was more interested + on which I focused, became more productive and professional + well, after 3 years they began to pay me well for this (then I again adjusted the focus - this is such a life-long path).
I also advise you to try different areas until you find how to connect your interest with what you are good at and what people need (they will definitely pay well for this).

Maxim Timofeev, 2018-11-18

How to choose a direction in freelancing

Just like not freelancing. Whatever you like, do it. No matter how they write that java is paid more than php or something else. The truth is that salary (income) really depends on skill, not technology. And in order to become a good specialist, you need to do what is interesting and what works. And do not choose where the price tag of June is 4 kopecks more. Leave these holivars, for those who have not grown out of June, they tend to look for the cause of their poverty anywhere, but not in themselves.
Well, about what to take and what not - it's ridiculous. You will take what they give for a very long time, until there is sufficient experience. There are more people willing to take on a simple task than simple tasks.

Alexander Taratin, 2018-11-18

Choose less competitive areas. From those close to web development, for example
, writing browser extensions and user scripts,
- bots for vk, telegram, viber
- scripts for google docs
- developing components for react, angular, vue
There are almost no real responses to such orders (if we are talking about Russian-speaking freelancing ).
The rarity of orders is compensated by the high probability of getting it.

tema_sun, 2018-11-18

You look at what you can do and choose this direction.
Can't do anything? In freelancing, it will be excruciatingly painful to start. Better in the office.

Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-11-18

you can’t take on different tasks and understand the technology when performing the task

Can. And freelancing is even useful. But a newbie can't.

Anton Filippov, 2018-11-18

For 2 years I tried all areas in a row non-commercially to find out what I like, then I chose design, and after 7 years I moved from it to the front-end to combine the creative component with the analytical one.
Look for an area of ​​interest and slowly niche in it)

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