Antoxa Zimm2015-08-07 01:13:47
Mobile development
Antoxa Zimm, 2015-08-07 01:13:47

How to build a Xamarin iOS project without a macbook?

Colleagues, friends, comrades ... how can I build a Xamarin project for iPhone in Visual Studio 2015, I don’t have a macbook, I can’t get it anywhere, I don’t want to buy it, I can’t create a Mac OS virtual machine on Azure (some prohibitions from apple, I’ll leave it in extreme cases), I read that creating a virtual machine is also not an option - it does not work.
Who solved such a problem? How did they get around her?

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1 answer(s)
_ _, 2015-08-07

You can create a virtual machine - it works. Moreover, there are ready-made images for virtual machines.

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