Alexander2015-08-12 04:54:51
Alexander, 2015-08-12 04:54:51

How is a gif-animation created showing a site, navigating a page?

Hello. I can’t solve the problem correctly and without unnecessary movements to implement the gif-animation of showing the personal account for the user, as in the example below. How is such animation done: only with the help of After Effects or is a video of the screen filmed and then finalized in AE? Or are there other tools for faster and better results? If anyone has implemented this, please describe the steps.

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2 answer(s)
DevMan, 2015-08-12

yes, just capture the screen and convert to gif.
AE is not needed here.

Stepan, 2017-01-11

Creating a gif animation in the way you specified is easy with ScreenToGif .

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