ReasonerNum22022-03-13 13:19:16
Health and computer
ReasonerNum2, 2022-03-13 13:19:16

How can a student overcome burnout and get into programming?

Good afternoon!
I saw a lot of questions similar in content to mine, including from peers, but I never got the answer I wanted to get. Perhaps this does not exist in nature, but I will still try my luck and duplicate the question that has been raised hundreds of times on this forum.

A short digression regarding my acquaintance with programming:
I started using computers in early childhood (4-5 years), for the most part, of course, for toys. There were no computers directly in my family, so I embodied my desires and dreams while visiting friends and relatives who had them.
I became interested in programming at the age of 9-10. Then I, who still did not understand anything at all, chose C ++ as an object of study to spite myself and, in the absence of a computer, wrote the code in a notebook, copying it from YouTube videos :)
Of course, my interest, after a couple of days of using a similar approach to learning is gone.
Several years have passed, I was already about 12 years old. I got a smartphone and learned about the existence of Python, as well as the fact that the code written in it can be compiled and run on my mobile. Happiness knew no bounds, and for a couple of weeks I enthusiastically absorbed the training videos of HowdyHo, Gosha Dudar and other similar "enlighteners". However, even here the interest was not very long and quickly disappeared, because I did not understand how it was possible to use the knowledge I had gained for something really useful, and after a couple of written programs like a calculator or a solver of quadratic equations, I again gave up programming.
I also had some other advances in studying that appear with enviable regularity. I also tried Ruby along with online compilers and probably something else I don't remember anymore.
At the age of 15, I finally have a computer. I saved up some money and at the same time my friend bought himself a new platform, and as unnecessary he gave me his 1155 kit with 8GB DDR3 and a g840 stump, as well as a power supply. Taking my savings, I bought a used monitor, SSD and assembled an open stand, because there wasn’t enough money for the case :)
Then I again got excited about the idea of ​​learning programming and came to Web development. I studied layout in HTML and CSS, it was very interesting. I was especially attracted by the fact that you instantly saw the result of your work.
My first project, if you can call it a project, was a simple blog site about Linus Torvalds, of course without any JS elements.
Unfortunately, even then I burned out again and abandoned this business.

Current situation:
I am 16 years old, I study in the 10th grade of the most ordinary GBOU. Informatics at school is at a meager level, we can say that it is completely absent: 1 lesson per week, in which we are engaged in drawing postcards in Paint and other very trivial tasks.
I have a lot of free time, especially on the eve of the rapidly approaching summer holidays.
I have a desire, but I have no idea what to do.
I don't know how to deal with constant burnout. If you've read the backstory, you'll understand how much of a problem this is for me.
In an attempt to cope with burnout, I jump from sphere to sphere, trying to find the language that really entices me. So far I have settled on JS, but I also have some doubts about it.
I tried to solve puzzles on sites like CodeWars, I tried to take on more difficult projects, but somehow I encounter gradual burnout. Moreover, I can’t say that it happens because I don’t like programming. I like the process and I don't know why it happens. Everything I do is either too easy or too hard. Either one or the other discourages interest, I cannot find that middle ground that will eat me up and make me do something for a long time.

What is the backstory for?
The background may help someone who wants to help, to make a somewhat more intelligible psychological picture of me.

What do I want?
Perhaps my desires are great, but I want specific instructions or at least methods by which they can be compiled independently. I want to know how to overcome this burnout that has been going on for years, how to take up my mind and finally get down to business.
I would also be glad if you share your own learning experience.

Thank you for your attention!

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7 answer(s)
Dmitry Roo, 2022-03-13

No way.
There is no "burnout" problem.
If you don't like programming, do something else that you like.

lssssssssssl, 2022-03-13

As someone wrote: "it is probably the only working social elevator in our country."
If you don’t have enough motivation to work hard to be able to ride up this elevator, then probably other ways to motivate yourself will definitely not help (IMHO)

Alexandroppolus, 2022-03-13

Only fly agarics can help save you from burnout and turn on the berserk mode at a long distance.

Michael, 2022-03-13

You don't have burnout. Burnout is the result of constant stress and fatigue. When you want to do something, but you just can't physically.
What's going on with you is called "loss of interest". And here is the most important question: "why do you need programming"? Consider this question. It is actually very deep. And the answer contains a lot of clues to solving other questions.
If you want - let's discuss in the comments.

Drno, 2022-03-13

I agree that it's not a burnout.
Here or laziness - to understand something complicated, or really just a loss of interest.
BUT - this is not entertainment, this is WORK !!! And you need to understand that if you go to this specialty, then no one at work will ask you whether you like the task or not, whether you "burn out" or not.
There is a task - it must be done. And for it to work. HOW to do it - nobody cares. Try to look from this position)

Ricardo Sanchez, 2022-03-14

go for career guidance. And to the psychologist on study and rassanovki. it helps to set the right priorities in life.

maxonlinux, 2022-04-13

Means so: now I will write the decision of this problem. Before diving into this whole area (more specifically, I'm now a web frontend), I wanted to do programming for a long time, it's cool! You sit at a computer, write code, don’t kill yourself at the factory and at the same time get money, and plus the creation process itself is cool: you worked and saw the result that you wanted and that you like.
So, at first I did this purely for myself, the reason was something like this: I experience a visual orgasm from beautiful interfaces, sites, etc., so I want to write beautiful sites myself, so that at least I can watch and enjoy myself. Started doing it and gave up. Now the main question-answer in this text, attention: WHY I ABANDONED AND WHY MANY PEOPLE DO THE SAME THING? BECAUSE: people don't understand EXACTLY what problems they need to solve using code in any of the chosen languages!!! Well, for example, I want to write a website, but what should I do next? When I wrote my first "order" (it couldn't even be properly called a site), it was one page on html/css, some text, pictures and a button with a link to telegrams. For him, I then received something about 3000 rubles for Russian money (or 800 hryvnia), but now it’s not about that. In the process of writing a REAL order, you begin to understand what and why you need. Let's take a more complex project - the site of a construction company. You take an order, add a design, and then you think: I need this button to send an application, but in such a way that the page does not reload. Yeah, for this I need to use javascript with its requests to the server (ajax). You start looking for how to do this, and at the same time you figure it out. Then you need to make sure that, for example, the choice of a checkbox on the site or, for example, a theme, is saved by the user after a reboot. You start thinking again. You find out that this can be done either through the session (short-term) or through cookies (long-term, until they are cleaned up) and again look at how to save data in cookies or in the session. And so, in the course of execution, you understand what works, but the most important thing is UNDERSTANDING WHY YOU NEED IT AND HOW YOU CAN USE IT TO WRITE SOMETHING USEFUL AND EARN. So, to begin with, select a segment where you would like to develop (for example, let it be the web) and come up with a task for yourself - to write a website for a construction company. When there is some more or less real task, it immediately becomes easier to think. Throw away the money for now, you still won’t receive it right away, but just write so that even later you can add it to your portfolio and use the solutions from there in other projects and save time. Good luck! where would you like to develop (for example, let it be the web) and come up with a task for yourself - to write a website for a construction office. When there is some more or less real task, it immediately becomes easier to think. Throw away the money for now, you still won’t receive it right away, but just write so that even later you can add it to your portfolio and use the solutions from there in other projects and save time. Good luck! where would you like to develop (for example, let it be the web) and come up with a task for yourself - to write a website for a construction office. When there is some more or less real task, it immediately becomes easier to think. Throw away the money for now, you still won’t receive it right away, but just write so that even later you can add it to your portfolio and use the solutions from there in other projects and save time. Good luck!

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