howuu2019-09-29 05:16:51
Network administration
howuu, 2019-09-29 05:16:51

Django + Nginx + Mysql + gunicorn server image ready?

I use Django in my work and when I need to deploy a project I buy a vps (usually from ubuntu 18.04)
And I don't really like setting up a server, doing this whole bunch, in general, what I want to do
is to do all the settings locally on ubuntu , create an image from them and put it somewhere, so that either I or other people can install it all with one command on bare ubuntu, and then update the django project from github, in general, while I googled solutions, I found a lot with what I not yet familiar with docker, etc., but what solution can you advise me to create such an image

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3 answer(s)
Andrey, 2019-09-29

As an option - once describe all the actions in the installation script and that's it.

Alexey, 2019-09-30
Goloburdin @sterx

I once made a video tutorial on setting up Django on a clean Debian machine, in the description there is a link to github with all the commands:
The instructions will configure Nginx+Gunicorn+Python 3.7+ Django+PostgreSQL+Supervisor.
Or here is a video with a quick template to start, here already with Systemd instead of supervisor - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXTZMurM0FY

Eugene, 2019-10-03

Through Ansible, describe the scenario for deploying this stack (you can even connect and create a virtual machine on DO) and use it. My infrastructure for more than 10 microservices is deployed in 10 minutes

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