gadzhkamil2018-03-07 11:30:49
gadzhkamil, 2018-03-07 11:30:49

Copyright infringement on Google Play?

Hello. If the application uses several excerpts from the backing tracks of popular Russian songs for 10-15 seconds, with a changed key, what is the chance that the application or even the account will be banned?
I understand that this is copyright infringement, but I want to know what punishment is likely to be, and will it be?
Google has now found several applications that use unaltered passages at all, and these applications have been hanging for a long time and they have hundreds of thousands and millions of downloads.
I know for sure that these developers definitely don’t have copyrights, and they don’t care.

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2 answer(s)
weranda, 2018-03-07

I understand that this is copyright infringement

It's already good.
Read the legislation.
When and if the author has claims, then you will find out for sure, perhaps even in court.

Zr, 2018-03-07

> If the application uses several excerpts from the backing tracks of popular Russian songs for 10-15 seconds, with a changed key, what is the chance that the application or even the account will be banned?
Alas, I have never seen statistics by which it could be estimated.
> I understand that this is a copyright infringement...
But I don't understand. I mean, you have not yet described anything that clearly should be understood that way.
> but I want to know what punishment is likely to be
Well, you just outlined it yourself: "the application or even the account will be banned."
> In google[o]captivity[y], I now found several applications that use unaltered excerpts at all, and these applications have been hanging for a long time and they have hundreds of thousands and millions of downloads.
Let's say.
> I know for sure that these developers definitely do not have copyrights, and nothing to them.
But let me not believe in the accuracy of your knowledge. At least until you disclose his sources.

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