Vitaly Frolov2017-04-26 18:42:36
Vitaly Frolov, 2017-04-26 18:42:36

Woocomerce variables where to find them?

transaction Id'
transaction Affiliation
transaction Total
transaction Tax
transaction Shipping
transaction Products
'sku': '
how is it there?) in general. please tell me if you know or share a link. I searched but didn’t find anything.

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1 answer(s)
WordPress WooCommerce, 2017-04-27

probably talking about orders. there is a separate order_items table, it has a table with metadata.
there are methods like https://docs.woocommerce.com/wc-apidocs/function-w...
that allow you to work with order element metas.
Probably the summary meta is at the order itself. There, as usual, get_post_meta or through the WC_Order object.

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