Nixin7772019-07-24 22:09:55
Search Engine Optimization
Nixin777, 2019-07-24 22:09:55

Will google return two pages per request?

There is a site with pages in one language (translation is not required), but the interface of the site itself is translated. The interface language changes, for example, if you go from domen.com/post to domen.com/en/post, it will be the same content with different interface languages, the title, description, keywords language will also change. For each of these addresses, the sitemap contains a url with a translation. In canonical, each address refers to itself. For each address, two hreflang ru and en, and x-default - ru are registered and the corresponding urls are indicated. One thing bothers me. Won't there be two outputs for a user in google (if we consider two languages), since I read in the documentation that google takes into account more content than attributes like lang?
Link to documentation where it says

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1 answer(s)
Artem Gvozdev, 2019-07-24

And what's the problem, if you use only 1 language, make a rule on the server side by redirecting from such pages, that is, redirect en to ru, because in this way, hell knows what the admin panel can generate for you, and there will be a lot of garbage in the index

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