TOParh2016-04-01 15:58:07
Mail server
TOParh, 2016-04-01 15:58:07

Why is the Zimbra server not working after upgrading from version 8.0.6 to version 8.6.0?

Good afternoon. My sad story is this:
There is a Zimbra OSE mail server version 8.0.6 when I try to update to the latest version 8.6.0 everything goes fine, it doesn’t give any errors anywhere, the server with all services starts normally. The user enters his mailbox via Web access, writes a letter, and when he tries to send it, a window pops up with a network error with the following content:
method: [unknown]
msg: Invalid address: [email protected] com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailSender$SafeSendFailedException: MESSAGE_NOT_DELIVERED; chained exception is: com.zimbra.cs.mailclient.smtp.InvalidRecipientException: RCPT failed: Invalid recipient [email protected]: 451 4.3.0 : Temporary lookup failure
detail: soap:Sender
trace: qtp398887205-137:
Body: {
SendMsgRequest: {
_jsns: "urn:zimbraMail",
m: {
attach: {
mp: [
/ / [0]:
mid: "14380",
part: "2"
did: "14380",
e: [
// [0]:
a: "[email protected]",
t: " t"
// [1]:
a: "[email protected]",
p: "Vanin Maxim",
t: "f"
id: "631e8eb7-eb21-40ca-9cd4-735ed5cdce92:14380",
idnt: "631e8eb7-eb21-40ca-9cd4-735ed5cdce92",
mp: [
// [0]:
content: {
_content: "test
Vanin Maxim.
ct: "text/plain"
su: {
_content: "test"
suid: 1416766246859
Header: {
context: {
_jsns: "urn :zimbra",
account: {
_content: "[email protected]",
by: "name"
authToken: "(removed)",
csrfToken: "0_89836980f04fcff0c7e90a4c4a7fed127a39707d",
notify: {
seq: 5
session: {
_content: 14,
id: 14
userAgent: {
name: "ZimbraWebClient - FF33 (Win)",
version: "8.5.1_GA_3056"
On rollback everything works fine.
I will be very grateful for your help.

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