alex1nd2018-05-24 14:00:23
alex1nd, 2018-05-24 14:00:23

Why is the windows store not working?

Code: 0x00000191
CV: 51SBxj/kG0mD9zdT
just stopped working a week or two ago

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3 answer(s)
TheDoctorChannel, 2018-05-24

Go to the Microsoft website / forum, ask a question there, moderators from Microsoft will answer you

Semyon Novikov, 2018-05-24

Usually does not work due to turning off security services or updates.

Anton Kiselyov, 2018-05-24

Due to the "carpet" blocking of Telegram, many third-party servers, including Microsoft, suffered.
So either wait for Microsoft to offer other servers from the Store for your region / subnet, or use a proxy / vpn.

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