jehord2014-12-22 22:39:58
jehord, 2014-12-22 22:39:58

Why can't Minidlna see the files on the mounted partition?

There is a raspberry pi model B, a TV with smarttv support.
It is necessary that media content be broadcast on the TV.
I decided to install a server + transmission on the raspberry minidlna, to store files downloaded using transmission files, I want to use a usb flash drive connected to one of the two available usb connectors.
Connecting the usb flash drive made the command

/dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="boot" UUID="2654-BFC0" TYPE="vfat"
/dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID="548da502-ebde-45c0-9ab2-de5e2431ee0b" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda1: UUID="79FF-CD05" TYPE="vfat"

/ dev / sda1: UUID = "79FF-CD05" TYPE = "vfat"
The usb flash drive I connected
Next, I create a partition mkdir /mnt/usbhdd
Then I register it in sudo nano /etc/fstab
What I wrote exactly there:
/dev/sda1 /mnt/usbhdd vfat rw,codepage=866,nls=utf8,gid=plugdev,umask=0002,nofail,users 0 0

I mount: I
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbhdd
prescribe in the minidlna config where to read files
sudo nano /etc/minidlna.conf
What exactly I wrote there:

I put a picture and a song in the /mnt/usbhdd folder.
I do:
sudo service minidlna force-reload
I run to the TV and launch SmartTV with a quick movement of my hand, go to the "network resources" section, see the name of my DLNA server, click on it, choose to display all content and bummer! There's nothing!
Well, I think again I go to the minidlna config I
sudo nano /etc/minidlna.conf

On the:

I throw the same files here
Again I do:
sudo service minidlna force-reload
Again I run up to the TV, I do everything the same, and lo and behold! I see my files, everything shows everything plays.
Others, can you please tell me why this is so?
What needs to be spoofed so that minidlna can see files from the mounted /mnt/usbhdd partition?
ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 root         root         8192 Jan  1  1970 usbhdd

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2 answer(s)
J_o_k_e_R, 2014-12-22

Most likely the problem is in the FS, not native to Linux. / media - on the root partition, which is the same in ext4? External device - flash drive? Reformat it to ext2 and try again. If it suits you - ok. If you still want a flash drive with vfat - lay out the entire minidlna config you use.

a-urs, 2020-08-02

In Ubuntu, mounted disks are located in /media/user/disk2t
After changing the rights chmod 755 /media/user
All files from the video folders in /media/user/disk2t appeared on the server
(disk2t is formatted in ntfs)

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