Vyacheslav2020-02-26 07:37:02
Windows Server
Vyacheslav, 2020-02-26 07:37:02

Why can a Windows application stop running?

I have an application written by me in C#. The application shows tasks for the user from the EDMS.
The application is launched from a network resource for each user with a shortcut from Startup.
Everything worked fine for about 5 years, but recently a problem began to arise: at some point, the application stops running with the message "This application cannot run on your PC. To find a version for your computer, contact the application publisher."
The problem occurs at random intervals (from one day to a month), only on terminal servers (Win2008r2, Win2012r2 ~ 20 users), but not simultaneously on all, but on one of them.

What I tried: changed the version of .net ( 2, 3.5, 4, 4.5 ) changed the bitness of the application ( any, 32, 64 ) - no effect

What I checked: event logs, Kaspersky Anti-Virus logs - there are no mentions of events.

What definitely helps: just rename the executable module or move it to another location and it starts. At the moment I'm solving the problem in this way: I add an index to the file name (1,2, etc.)

What I suspect: something works on frequent (morning user logon) launch of the program from a network resource.
Suspicious name is blocked. But I can't find the ends.

This is how it looks on win srv 2008r2:

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3 answer(s)
#, 2020-02-26

There is an application written by me in C# ... The application is launched from a network share ..
even strange that it worked. the network location is not trusted* for the .Net runtime
to make a local copy of the application. if it is updated (since it is self-written), it is better to configure the update mechanism, in any convenient way
ps * well, or it is definitely not trusted by default (I vaguely remember that this issue is manageable, but I googled the details. I just indicated the most likely search direction)

Armenian Radio, 2020-02-26

The ball just falls off. Do not hand out the application with the balls - and everything will be fine.

rPman, 2020-02-27

terminal server!
By chance, at the time of the launch error, some other administrator on the server did not install the software (the install software button in Install and Remove) - in 2012, as far as I remember, a lot of strange things happened to the system at that moment.
Test manually, commands to change mode 'install' - on/off
change user /install
change user /execute

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