Oleg Matrozov2011-01-12 22:26:46
Oleg Matrozov, 2011-01-12 22:26:46

Why are there so few 3D monitors?

Looking at the windows with a bunch of 3D TVs, you involuntarily ask yourself the question, why are there so few 3D monitors? I remember that they appeared before 3D TVs (sort of), and the same nVidia has been offering its 3D glasses for a long time at a reasonable price. But on the same Yandex.Market, there are few 3D monitors. Why?

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5 answer(s)
Sergey, 2011-01-12

Yes, because there is no demand, obviously. Market economy.

Alexander, 2011-01-12

And in Chelyabinsk we have a specialized 3D equipment store 3dvi.ru/ and a 3D game club. As of December, there were 12 games. 3dvi.ru/news/otkrytie_pervogo_v_g_cheljabinske_3d_igrovogo_kluba_intersvjaz_3d/2010-12-02-34
Is there a similar club in any city?

XaBoK, 2011-01-13

The list of monitors is here: www.nvidia.com/object/3d-vision-requirements.html
As for the question, there are many factors.
Firstly, not every computer will pull the creation of a stereo image. Only the last couple of years you can buy a strong computer for a sane amount.
Secondly, the price of 3d ready monitors is much higher.
Thirdly, nothing prevents you from using the TV as a monitor.
Fourthly, a good stereo effect in the game is obtained when the screen is large, otherwise it feels like you are looking at the game through the window.

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