anton1x2013-12-12 13:57:01
anton1x, 2013-12-12 13:57:01

Why are changes not reflected in the nginx + php-fpm + mariadb bundle on ubuntu when editing index.php?

Good day!
I installed the nginx+php-fpm+mariadb bundle on my ubuntu and ran into an incomprehensible problem - when editing index.php, the changes are not reflected. I did not enter any caching settings, I did not install the accelerator ... Who faced this behavior, please tell me in which direction it is worth digging? index'om.php was definitely not mistaken.

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5 answer(s)
anton1x, 2013-12-13

The problem disappeared after restarting the computer... It seems that php-fpm is not restarting, restarted with the command sudo /etc/init.d/php5-fpm restart. I also uncommented the line in php.ini zend.opcache.enable = 0

evnuh, 2013-12-12

Rename index.php to something else and see what happens. If, nevertheless, this is the desired index.php, then show ALL nginx settings files, well, and at the same time your index.php

Eugene, 2013-12-12

2 options:
either it's xcache, eaccelerator, apc
or it's the expires header, try ctrl+f5 instead of f5 and put
expires 0 in the location with php;

hcbogdan, 2013-12-12

I agree with @Nc_Soft - most likely the reason is in the cache.
You are probably testing through a browser.
Try to telnet to 80, that should clear things up.

Vit, 2013-12-12

If you are sure that it is not cached on the client, try reloading nginx first, then php-fpm and see if this mysterious cache is reset after one of the reboots. So at least it will be clearer in which direction to dig.

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