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How to stop "listening" to bot.*_handler?
Good day everyone!
I'll tell you in advance I rummaged through the whole Google and could not find the answer.
I am
writing my first telegram bot using
def rename (massage):
bot.send_message(, f'Привет , твое имя в телеграмм: {massage.from_user.first_name} \n'
f'На какое хотите заменить?')
def save_name (massage):
global user_name
user_name = massage.text
quest = f'хорош, тепеь я буду называть Вас {user_name}, сохраняем?'
keybord = keybord_yes_or_no()
bot.send_message(, text= quest, reply_markup=keybord)
@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True )
def rename_seve(call):
if == 'yes':
global users
users = ({
'name': user_name
bot.send_message(, f"Теперь для Вашего id {users['id']} будет сохранено имя {users['name']}")
elif == 'no':
bot.send_message(, 'Ок ничего не сохраняю')
@bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: sp.spelled(message.text.lower()) == "привет")
def hi (massage):
bot.send_message(, f"Привет ")
keybord_1 = keybord_yes_or_no()
q= '>>>>>>'
bot.send_message(,text=q, reply_markup=keybord_1)
@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
def requset(call):
if == 'yes':
bot.send_message(, '>>>>????')
elif == 'no':
bot.send_message(, '>>>>>!!!')
Answer the question
In order to leave comments, you need to log in
Well, the error is obviously here: R::store($user);
and to help solve it, you should throw off the code of this function.
And also read , it will make life easier
In this version, I think instead of decorators, you should use the familiar bot.register_next_step_handler(massage,save_name) method . In the example from the github , you can see how the question is what gender? and two buttons m and w are added , and in the message where they are sent, they are deleted, and the response is processed as text.
def process_age_step(message):
chat_id =
age = message.text
if not age.isdigit():
msg = bot.reply_to(message, 'Age should be a number. How old are you?')
bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, process_age_step)
user = user_dict[chat_id]
user.age = age
markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(one_time_keyboard=True)
markup.add('Male', 'Female')
msg = bot.reply_to(message, 'What is your gender', reply_markup=markup)
bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, process_sex_step)
except Exception as e:
bot.reply_to(message, 'oooops')
def process_sex_step(message):
chat_id =
sex = message.text
keybord = keybord_yes_or_no()
bot.send_message(, text= quest, reply_markup=keybord)
def day_btns():
days = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=7)
days.add(*[types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Day '+str(i),callback_data='call'+str(i)) for i in range(1,8)])
return days
#Пример использования
bot.send_message(,'Days of week',reply_markup=day_btns())
#Хватает и одной строки
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