Dreamject2014-11-22 12:31:30
Health and computer
Dreamject, 2014-11-22 12:31:30

Who can help improve our children's eye health and posture?

Hello. Since it so happened that Dreamject is “dream projects”, and I am in the team, then here is my dream - I want my child not to be stooped and have good eyesight. I myself have myopia, and I suffer from this in order, but I know how the quality of life and health depends on vision, and what affects it. At one time, he planted his eyes due to an unreasonably large load, when his eyesight began to fall, and glasses were not taken for a long time. So, now I see that children are subjected to even greater stress. There are a lot of slouched and bespectacled people, especially in the age of phones, tablets and laptops. I solved this problem i.e. I know what needs to be done so that vision and posture do not deteriorate, and at the same time reading gives more pleasure. The answer is banal, but still.
In general, it is necessary to approach the output of information on monitors in a completely different way. First, you need to adopt a font size standard that will fit most people. In principle, this already exists - 12 points, or 16 pixels - the default size in the browser, abstracts, and in many places. In Russia, the most popular social network - VK, and there by default 11 pixels are used - so not only is disgusting rendering at 11 pixels (well, a lowercase letter cannot be drawn on average in a 5x5 square) - of course, who will love to read if such font. It's as if the movie was shown not in 720p, but in 140 - in fact it is. In Windows softwarescreen density - ≈100dpi, on paper - 300, i.e. Windows 12 points are drawn 720/240=3 times less clearly than on paper. In addition, in social networks (namely, where children spend most of their time, or games, not the point), the size of 11 pixels is used, which is ≈1.5 times less than 16, and 240/144≈1.5. That is, only at the quality level, if we imagine that 12 "paper" items are of good quality and equate to 720p, then on a computer we work with 144p, relatively speaking.
And yes, because we spend much more time on computers and other devices than we used to on books, it will be useful to abandon the concept of “small print”, or make the difference not very insignificant. After all, children will read from the screen for the rest of their lives.
In this case, 12 points / 16 pixels will be defined as the initial base font size (repetition is not an accident). The fact is that for each person with poor eyesight, the basic font size can be chosen independently. For what reasons? Yes, just so that you can sit at the computer without slouching, without getting into the screen, i.e. at a distance of at least 50 cm. I believe that slouching is not so much a lack of some kind of discipline, but a reaction to the physical (optical) inability to look at the type (and other objects). And glasses / lenses, especially for the nearsighted, do not really compensate for the lack of vision, especially at close distances, because. are selected for the "distant", and in order to see the text up close, you need to additionally strain, which again leads to a decrease in vision, or "false myopia", which easily develops into true.
Also, by the way, there is such a feature of the perception of information - the shorter the line, the better it is perceived (up to reasonable, of course, aisles). For Russian text, the optimal line length is 68-85 characters, for English it is less (the language itself is more compact), and if you read from traditional media (books, notebooks), you will not physically find a long line there.
On a computer, you see a full-length line of the screen, it can reach up to 300 and up to 600 characters, which reduces the level of perception. By itself, the transition from 11-pixel to 16 or more pixel font size will have a beneficial effect on the perception of information, although it would also be nice to be able to limit the text yourself.
Now about the implementation, how it's done. You just need to allow applications to manage the font size, use relative values ​​- you set / change the base font size, all headings are recalculated according to certain formulas. You need to change the font size if a person cannot comfortably perceive the text.
Now the project that does this is somehow working - for sites in the form of downloadable custom CSS styles, there is an application for browsers based on the Stylish plugin. The concept itself is called ESI - eyes saving interface.
From the point of view of CSS, the most primitive implementation that will allow you to customize other sites looks like this:

*{font-size:16px !important; line-height:136% !important}

The font sizes are changed, then the sites are reversed to display the sites relatively correctly.
There are styles for vkontakte, youtube, peekaboo and many other sites. Separately, you can set the size for different tags. but it won't be exactly the same. There is an implementation for Wikipedia using relative font size
@-moz-document domain("wikipedia.org") {
.mw-body {
max-width:/**/ !important;
/*ESI v2 beta core*/
/* i really want this to be global */
html { font-size:/**/ !important;}
*{/*font-size:1rem;* /line-height: /**/ !important;font-family:/**/}
body, div, /*span,*/ applet, object, iframe, h4, h5 , h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video {font- size:1rem !important;}
h1{font-size:2rem !important}
h2{font-size:1.5rem !important}
h3{font-size:1.17rem !important}
select {width: auto !important}
table.infobox {
width: 25rem !important;

... and, in general, all this is good, I hope, but I do it alone. I am not a professional (and even an amateur) programmer, the amount of work is large, I need some help, a team, copywriters, coders, more thorough research
At the moment, a plugin known to many Stylish is used, slightly modified (with the consent of its creator) to he was looking for exactly ESI styles. The plugin is adapted for Opera and Google Chrome, it does not work for FF). In general, the search bar does not write, for example, " https://userstyles.org/styles/browse/vk", but " https://userstyles.org/styles/browse/vk /esi ". I would be glad if someone shares their thoughts on how to do this in the FF plugin
In the \content\urls.properties file, the line is responsible for this
findstylesforthissiteurl=http: //userstyles.org/styles/search/%S

In chromosomes, this is done like this (popup, js at the root)
document.querySelector("#find-styles a").href = " userstyles.org/styles/browse/all " + encodeURIComponent(tab.url) +"%20esi"
- with the help of a simple addition, it looks for ESI styles (this is indicated in the style name).
And, in general, I wanted to get some kind of support, criticism, etc., who can support this business, how best to implement it ...
I tried to order advertising, but people don’t understand what the matter is at all (otherwise they wouldn’t put up compressed preview pictures)

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4 answer(s)
Dreamject, 2014-11-22

PS: don't confuse ESI with scaling. Scaling does not allow you to adjust the font size to within a pixel, it changes the size of everything - blocks, pictures, elements, as a result, information fits much less. In addition, the larger the initial spread in font sizes (relative), the more garbage it turns into when scaling. Let's say if the headings are 20 pixels, the body text is 15, and the interface elements are 7 (namely, you need to get into the monitor behind them to see, i.e. the distance to the monitor is pretty much the smallest size of the elements that need to be seen) . If you increase it by 1.5 times, you will get inadequate values, and even with a line spacing of 150% it is impossible to read at all.

asd111, 2014-11-22

So that the child is not stooped, you need to take the child to sports. Stoop from weak muscles.
Good vision - spend less time in front of the computer, take breaks, use drops (oftagel for example), equip the workplace well - a large monitor, large font, medium or minimum brightness, put a table with a monitor so that there is at least 2 meters behind the monitor - this is necessary so that the view from the monitor is quickly transferred to an object that is at a great distance from the eyes - this is how a reduction in eye strain is achieved.
And general advice for the eyes - don't drink, don't smoke, don't watch porn, and don't play games. Eyes are given to a person in order to be useful, and if a person uses his eyes for sin, then he accordingly loses sight, because. sight is not given for sin.

DarthJS, 2015-06-08

I say right away that I didn’t read the above, because I know methods that can be invested in two words, but I’ll write a little more anyway:
Exit - SPORT! Versatile, varied and preferably active.
Boxing, karate, mixfight
tennis, ping pong, badminton
airsoft, paintball, laser fights - in these sports it is advisable to wear glasses not with glasses, but with a fine iron mesh (except for paintball), then the effect for vision will be better.
Run, swim and train your eyes: look further, higher. Why invent the wheel when you can do simple things.

Roman, 2017-05-01

Yes, the most important thing is sports. Then all the other gadgets, such as corsets for posture , glasses for a computer and monitors, etc.

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