ibnaleks2017-12-02 21:22:56
ibnaleks, 2017-12-02 21:22:56

Which joomla plugin to use to organize accounting in the service center?

It is necessary to organize accounting at the service center: acceptance for repairs, printing receipts, status change, appointment of a master, etc. Plus, accounting for spare parts and all kinds of reports ...
Interested in the joomla plugin, since I am most familiar with this kms.

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2 answer(s)
Vlad, 2017-12-02

I don't understand, why use the site for this? Is a PC program not suitable for this?

Farhod Daniyarov, 2018-09-23

Maybe a special program for service centers is right for you?
for example workpan. program website https://workpan.com

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