Vollmond2011-06-17 20:22:07
Hard disks
Vollmond, 2011-06-17 20:22:07

Which hard drive is the most reliable?

Hello. Recently, the beloved WD Caviar SE-16 (500gb) has begun to “crumble” and in connection with this the question arose about its immediate replacement. Please tell me what worthy replacement I can find for him?

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11 answer(s)
Jock Tanner, 2011-06-18

Hard drives are not reliable. Dot. Regularly back up data to another drive, preferably to another computer; if the entire contents of the disk is important - RAID1. Also keep in mind that most data loss cases are caused by power failures. Badblocks have appeared - check the PSU!
It is pointless to go through models and brands. Firstly, because by the time when good statistics on the departures of a particular model are collected, this model will become obsolete. Secondly, getting into the 1% of the “lucky ones” is just as insulting as getting into the 40%.

GANGTA, 2011-06-17

The most reliable hard drive manufacturer is Hitachi

ipswitch, 2011-06-17

The more hard, the worse. 500 GB and TB are already much less reliable than a small volume.
Models up to 320 GB (inclusive) were relatively successful with almost everyone except Seagate (their file is 7200.11).
New “regular” WDs (Green, Blue, Black) are pouring in even small ones (I saw new WD IDEs for 80 and 160 for sale, the only new IDEs that I can now find in retail).
Perhaps RAID Edition and WD Raptor will be more reliable.
Did not complain about Samsung, both large and laptop. He believed them most of all, and was upset when he learned that their HDD division had also been sold.
Samsungs (especially Made in Korea, there are both Korean and Chinese ones) proved to be very quiet and fast. They are still happy.

Alexey, 2011-06-17

Here, you can see how lucky. I had both Hitachi and 500GB VD, both fell down (after 2 years).
Now there is a western digital blue scorpion for 250GB. Flight is normal.
=> the safest HDD is a 250GB HDD)

Puma Thailand, 2011-06-17

Any screw is reliable enough, the warranty is now 2 years, if you keep a backup, then there are no problems.

Igor Ivanchenko, 2011-06-17

I agree with the opinion that there are no reliable disks, and reliability is inversely proportional to volume. I'm still a fan of WD, the first one worked for 5 years, I put it to my friends, it works ...

TheMengzor, 2011-06-18

The most reliable HDD is a turned off HDD :)

Zigmar, 2011-06-18

In theory, SSDs should be much more reliable than traditional hard drives, but the price, of course, is an order of magnitude or two more. And if you need cheap and angrily reliable, then this, as already mentioned above, is any disk (brand does not matter) in the raid.

Stanislav Agarkov, 2011-06-18


Mikhail Lyalin, 2011-06-20

it is better to first deal with the reasons for the failure of your HDD

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