Denis Ramus2019-12-14 11:33:53
Denis Ramus, 2019-12-14 11:33:53

Where to work as a web designer for free?

Where to work as a web designer for free?)
You can also pay. Freelance exchanges are not an option, there is competition (

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2 answer(s)
Kleo Pickman, 2019-12-14

We can work together on my projects.
I have little experience in teaching web design (there were more than 10 students), but I do not consider this my main profession.
And so, I need free help in projects, I have different ideas. But there is little time to do them, and it’s not so easy to do it yourself. From my own country, I can offer co-authorship on Behense "several owners", you will have a good job in your portfolio.
Write to me in TG:
Telegram: telegram.me/kleopick

Matvey Pravosudov, 2019-12-14

Find a studio or agency, offer them your services. The percentage of failures will be high, but if you present yourself correctly, something might work out. The agency is not at all interested in receiving a design of dubious quality, albeit for free, but suddenly one of the guys wants to become a mentor.

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