freeman02042015-08-29 15:20:07
freeman0204, 2015-08-29 15:20:07

Where to use bootstrap?

As I understand it, bootstrap was created mainly for landing pages. Is it possible, and does it make sense to make up such a site on bootstrap:
Option 1: https://all-psd.ru/site-templates/2192-SHablon_say...
Option 2: freepsd.ws/milyj-maket-dlya-zhenskogo -portala
I'm just learning adaptive layout and it's hard for me to understand where adaptive is needed and where it isn't. Since there is no clear task, I download templates from the Internet. How to understand where to use bootstrap, where is just the rubber of internal blocks with a fixed width of the site, and where is the rubber + adaptive Media Queries? If possible, a detailed answer.

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1 answer(s)
Elizaveta Borisova, 2015-08-29

There are no generally accepted best practices in this regard, it is your decision, which usually depends on a clear task. And more often these are your templates, or company templates.
it's not 3 alternatives. You choose to use your own responsiveness, or bootstrap's responsiveness. Decide what elements of the bootstrap will be useful to you. and whether there will be an overhead, and make a decision.
Only for grid bootstrap is not quite correct to use, just take grid.

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