Gera112020-02-26 11:03:42
Gera11, 2020-02-26 11:03:42

How to redirect from port to main domain with folder?

Now the site works at site.ru:3001/#/erc20/
How to make it so that when you go to site.ru it automatically throws at: 3001/#/erc20/
BUT! at the same time, :3001/#/erc20/ itself was hidden
by type: - Do you see the gopher? No. And he is!

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3 answer(s)
Eugene Chefranov, 2019-07-05

Make based on ul list

Yuri Kolesnikov, 2019-07-06

Unfortunately, the standard select and options tags don't lend themselves to such flexible customization.
This can be done fairly easily with divs and Vue.js. I quickly sketched a variant:
Nothing complicated at all, you can do it without resorting to large frameworks, for example, using jQuery to hide or show a wrapper for the dropdown menu by clicking on the "choose a question" block ...", and the arrow on the side can be given or removed with a class in which transform is written: rotate(180deg);

Viktor Taran, 2020-02-26

it's called CNC

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