IvanSafronov912020-04-09 19:46:50
IvanSafronov91, 2020-04-09 19:46:50

Where can I get photos for the ecommerce template?

We make a template for the market, there, of course, everything is strictly with copyright. We need photos in the same style, like this, but with a free license.


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3 answer(s)
McBernar, 2020-04-09

At one time I did not find and used branded photos in previews, but I used stubs in the source files - all the same, your clients do not need these photos, they will have their own.
So, by the way, many did / do.

Dimonchik, 2020-04-09

What free stocks do you use to find icons, photos, and interface elements?

romansergeevich, 2020-04-10

Spend already 10 euros on a freepick account and download photos of clothes as much as you like

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