Darklarens2020-10-20 19:30:29
Darklarens, 2020-10-20 19:30:29

Where can I find examples of how Socket.io and Express work?

Hello, where can I see examples of

how Socket.io and Express work for different

tasks ? kabinet.ejs", setSite) }), from express I can't put io.on connect into it, because the problem of "Accumulation of connections" appears. If I take out io.on separately, then how to process functions inside io.on ? Example: io.on('connection', function(socket){ console.log('User connected'); sendUser(1,socket); }); async function sendUser(s,socket){ var mm = await data.getUser(s)

socket.emit('sendToClient', { name: mm['name'], inrt: mm['rate'] });
In this example, there is a problem "TypeError: Cannot read property 'emit' of undefined"

In general, how they work together
I do not understand
Please help
Who is not lazy, here is the Darklarens#5695 discord
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Zhanna_K, 2020-10-20

I saw a cool tutorial on the TraversyMedia channel, the described stack is just used)
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