Georgy Tikhonov2019-12-23 13:30:56
Georgy Tikhonov, 2019-12-23 13:30:56

When to create a multi-page application?

I'm not sure that the title of the question conveys its essence, but still, as a study and training, I'm developing something like a twitter or facebook, and now I'm faced with such a problem, how can I create my own page for each user? Like VKontakte addressing, /id1, /id2. I originally planned to give each page a sequential ID during registration and keep a general account of pages, and at the time of rendering the application home page, get the total number of pages into a variable and return the Route element for each of them with the address 'id' + current number through map(). And then, when you go to the page, load some user data according to the number from the address. But I didn't succeed, there were mistakes. In general, I wonder which one is generally suitable to use for such a task,

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1 answer(s)
Ivan Shumov, 2019-12-23

Since you have a client application, you should think about an external database, for example, Firebase. Generate user identifiers in the form of UUID4, which will be enough for you with a margin for this life

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