antonwx2021-03-29 09:42:33
Video processing
antonwx, 2021-03-29 09:42:33

What video editor allows you to make a running line?

Movavi, VDSC are not up to the task. The line is long, so effects like "scrolling text" do not work, you need some kind of video editor in which you can simply overlay a running line, but not a monster like vegas or adobe premiere, preferably something that you can really figure out in a short amount of time . Is there any such editor?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Sokolov, 2021-03-29


-vf "drawtext=text=string1 string2 string3 string4 string5 string6 string7 :expansion=normal:fontfile=foo.ttf: y=h-line_h-10:x=(mod(5*n\,w+tw)-tw): fontcolor=white: fontsize=40: shadowx=2: shadowy=2"
The general command would be something like this:
ffmpeg \
  -i source_video.mp4  \
  -vf........ (та длинная строка выше) \
  -c:v libx264 \
    -movflags +faststart \
  -c:a aac \
  -hide_banner \

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