Viktor2021-10-17 20:27:34
Hard disks
Viktor, 2021-10-17 20:27:34

What to do with a warranty HDD if there are doubts about its reliability? How to buy an HDD?

In the summer, I bought a 2-terabyte HDD in a DNS network store and installed it directly from a branded antistatic package into a laptop. And after several months of not too intensive use, I decided to run his test with Victoria. The following picture was found (incomplete, the test continues while I am writing this question):
And in SMART there were also traces of 13 strikes. In this regard, questions to the community.

1. I thought that, ideally, for a new, fresh from the factory, HDD, only the top line of the test should be filled in the test. Well, at least, the second from the top, quite a bit. Here's a simple estimate: at 5400 rpm (that's about 100 rpm) it takes about 10 ms to complete one revolution. Thus, if in the first line we see the count of single accesses to the sector being checked (reading on the first attempt is the ideal that should be), then in the second line we see more than 2000 multiple accesses - is this normal?
2. It is clear that the disk is not new now, but could 2000 sectors with an access time of under 100 ms, 350 with an access time of 250 ms and as many as 9 with a time of under 1 second be accumulated in a few months of use? I'm kind of doubtful...
3. Is it possible that I was sold a used disc? In general, is it possible to imitate factory packaging, indistinguishable from natural, and get it into the trade? Are such cases known?
4. What should be done when buying in order to avoid? The requirement to immediately unpack and test directly in the store looks somehow redundant, and the store most likely will not allow this, but if I take home the disc unpacked and not checked in the presence of sellers, then who will believe me later?
Tomorrow I'll go to the DNS and ask the same questions to the sellers. I can post their answers here.

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3 answer(s)
Zettabyte, 2021-10-17

What to do with a warranty HDD if there are doubts about its reliability?

Doubt is unlikely to help in any way - until an obvious failure occurs, the probability of an exchange is very low.
Regarding what to do - backups. They should be done even when there is no doubt about the reliability.
SMART also found traces of 13 strikes

Notebook disks are very sensitive to physical impact. They put the laptop on a bedside table or stool, touched it with their foot - this will be reflected in SMART. They hit the table with a working laptop with a fist - the same thing, etc.
With a well-pumped "Luck" parameter, you can finish it off with a subwoofer chiseling nearby on the table.
In addition, it is not clear how this will affect the possibility of an exchange under warranty - they may find fault that you knocked on the disk.
I thought that ideally, for a new, fresh from the factory, HDD, only the top line of the test should be filled in the test

Such times left approximately in the area of ​​exit from the Fujitsu market, maybe a couple of years later. Then adaptive formatting began to be actively used, which made it possible to use, let's say, "non-ideal" plates due to an individual approach to them.
Now you can easily buy a new 2 TB drive, which is actually a cull of 3 TB, 3 TB, which is in fact a cut of 4 TB that did not pass the tests, etc.
the disk is not new now, but could it have accumulated over several months of use?

Even a newer disk can fail - we were brought in for data recovery purchased three and two weeks ago.
Is it possible that I was sold a used disc? In general, is it possible to imitate factory packaging

There are cunning people who bought external disks, carefully opened the package, changed the disk in the box to a small one, and returned it as "unsuitable".
Information about this is on Habré, but it does not look like your case.
How to buy an HDD?

When they just brought the disc home and it is new, i.e. does not contain any information, take the same Victoria, or R.tester (you can unscrew the details to the maximum in it) : https://rlab.ru/tools/rtester.html
data), and after it - the same reading test (namely read, not verify) - this will be the best hard disk check that you can do yourself at home.

Drno, 2021-10-17

That is, you are surprised at the test of the disk on which you now have Windows running + Are you doing something else in the background?)
Also using the paging file on the disk for sure ...
If you need a normal test, run from the boot disk)

Puma Thailand, 2021-10-18

So in smart look at the number of disk inclusions

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