FMars2014-10-23 23:09:32
Network administration
FMars, 2014-10-23 23:09:32

What tariff to choose for ~10000 - 20000 visits per day?

Tariffs here
Nothing downloads from the site, there is a news feed with the ability to comment and like ("likes" and comments from social networks), and there are built-in "iframe" blocks with streams (ustream.tv) for watching the stream directly from the site. I chose https://www.digitalocean.com/ for now , the price doesn't matter.

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2 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2014-10-24

The advisers here offer you 8 cores. I write in Russian - 10-20k is a trifle. To serve such a large number of requests, even with a peak of 400-500 people on the site at the same time (which you will not have, maximum 100-200), you will have enough base rate for $5, maximum - for 10. Nginx, PHP-FPM 5.5.9 with OPcache , Memcached, MariaDB. If you have most of the requests to third-party servers - you don’t have to worry at all - there will be enough resources.

123 123, 2014-10-23

You are on the right way. I use DigitalOcean myself. How did it move so it's the earth and the sky compared to the Russian ones. I myself use the cheapest tariff of $ 5. Choose a tariff not lower than $40.

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