satask2018-04-15 16:26:44
satask, 2018-04-15 16:26:44

What problems does good website design solve?

Now I'm reading a book on sales and there is a task: "Write 10-15 benefits in the language of the consumer that the client will receive from your product." It is necessary to write specific problems that the product solves and specific (understandable to the customer) benefits that he will receive from my product.
As a product, we design websites, landing pages, applications. Here 's
what I did:
1. Increase sales
2. Get attention
3. Become more competitive/stand apart 4. Get more customers (from mobile devices) with responsive design
What else can be added? What do people want when ordering website/app design? How to describe your services (and benefits from them) so that a potential client decides to order a design?
Also, you can leave links to good materials on the topic (articles, books, videos). Didn't find anything clear on google.
Thanks everyone for the replies!

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10 answer(s)
Insayt, 2018-04-15

Well, here it is necessary to clarify that the design of sites / applications is not a product. This is a service.
"Potato" is a product. Potato Delivery is a service. You provide services, so you need to raise questions based on this understanding.
A business chooses a service provider for several reasons:
In the context of your question, it's about "Understanding the customer's problems".
And here it is more important not to write a long list, but to choose a specific item and put pressure on it. Let me explain:
1. Increasing sales - you influence this point very indirectly (I will explain why below). The consumer will look more at the price and speed of delivery than at the shape of the "Go to Cart" button.
2. Attracting attention is also not your job. Get the attention of marketers. The client will give advertising in direct, and it will attract attention. If you are engaged in the design of advertising banners, then you can talk about attracting attention, but in the context of your activity, you are not engaged in drawing attention to the product / service of the customer.
3. Greater competitiveness / detuning from competitors - this is also not about you. Competitiveness has nothing to do with the visual component. You can make perfect packaging for pizza, but if it takes 3 hours to deliver, then there can be no competitiveness.
Detuning from competitors is also not about you. Google a little about what "detuning from competitors" is, and you will understand it. They are rebuilt at the level of positioning and business processes. For example, you opened a grocery store near your home. In half a year, a pyaterochka opens next to it. You start to sag in income, because the five gives the best exit price for the client, and then you decide to stand out from the competitor, remove the entire assortment and become the Sausage from Vasya store. And you place 1 type of product on the counter, but in a wide range, which the five can not afford, because it is not profitable for them to have a wide range of one heading. This is what adjustment is.
And now to the important. Sell ​​"Conversion Boost". And only this.
A business does advertising, spends money on it, and then you appear and say, we can make a new design for your site, reduce the "pain" of the consumer from using it, which will increase your conversion by N percent + increase the number of repeat orders from existing customers. Increasing the conversion will give more efficiency to your advertising costs, because you can spend 100500 million dollars, but if all the advertising leads to an ill-conceived, ugly and completely unusable landing page, your money will fly into the pipe. Such a statement of the question will be very clear to any business.
So the conclusion is - rename the abstract item "Increase in sales" into a more specific "Increase in conversion", and sell it.

Konstantin Nagibovich, 2018-04-15

The main task to be solved is the sustenance of the designer.

Violetta Morozova, 2018-04-19

I think you're looking at the situation from the wrong angle. The problem with any novice sales manager is that he thinks that you can sell only when you offer a person what he would buy. And you try to sell something that people, site visitors, would like. Imagine yourself as the target audience.
1) Ask yourself how do you feel about sites, especially on this topic? Does a site catch you if it has a high-quality thoughtful design? Compare with other "poor quality". From here you will learn what problems can be solved by design.
2) Next ask yourself, if the site has a good design, how would you use it? How often would you visit? How long would you be on it? Etc. This is where you will reap the benefits.
3) If you don't care about website design, then forget about it and go sell what you like.

Maxim Timofeev, 2018-04-16

To attract attention

This is about outdoor advertising, about banners, but not about the site. Here is the formation of snippets for search results - it can be considered an attraction of attention. And what side is it to design? The person is already online. He had already clicked on something that caught his attention. Already on the site.
It's all over here. Less bounce rate - I admit. But again - "responsive design" is a matter of layout, what does design have to do with it?
Now what does the real answer look like:
- image
- reduction in the number of bounces
- increase in conversions, the
remaining 15 points, one way or another, will simply be a consequence of these three.

Alexey Sklyarov, 2018-04-15

Any site is ordered to solve several problems (2-3).
If you need a website to sell some product, then it is obvious that there is only one task: to sell the product. But how you will increase the conversion is another question (nevertheless, indirectly related to yours).
If you need a website for a company that positions itself as a business card, then it is obvious that the main task is to present the company. But how this will be done is again another question, but nevertheless, again indirectly related to yours.
If a website is required for some service, then another task is set: the service must be easy to use, after which there are usually several more tasks that are related to user involvement and retention in the project. But, again, in what ways you will do this is another matter.
Roughly speaking, I singled out 3 frequently encountered categories of tasks, of course there are much more of them, they are much more voluminous, and there can be many variations of them. But, if for each category you can write 5 options that you can offer and that will be beneficial to the customer, your work is over.

Sanes, 2018-04-15

Folk sayings are not taken from scratch.

Sergey Rogozhkin, 2018-04-19

The site is usually a marketing element (if it is not a web application). The site developer is an employee of the service sector of the "marketing department". Crooked, oblique, fuck understand what, sometimes sane marketing, which "does not exist";) and, seriously, is closely related to the meaning of business. What are their problems? Ask yourself. What are usually? For example, so that the boss does not reproach that the money was wasted. It is full of offices with which it is "pleasant to work", because a good set of documents and fashionable special effects. If you work with a leader, then the wording will be different. You can sell and buy very different things under the guise of a site.
Thinking that "everyone wants to increase sales" or "increase conversions" is a very bold assumption. My experience shows that this is not the case. It may turn out that the main problem is "the wrong buyers" or "the audience does not understand the meaning of the product", they nominally want a website, but they need to do something completely different. Theoretically, the site can be reduced to one page of text, whose task is to convey the idea to the user. What thought - very much depends on the organization. If there is no thought, well then success in design and acceptance of work;)
Particularly pleasing in the question is the word "quality", which sometimes carries diametrically opposed ideas about the results of the work. There are situations when it is better to make a deliberately collective farm site very quickly with artificial errors in order to meet the expectations of the audience and the ideas of the customer, rather than a convenient, clean, fashionable one. Why articulate benefits? This is a purely synthetic activity. Specify the task, understand why this is so, why the customer needs it, and you will have a satisfied client without any "write 10 benefits". If a lot of typical wishes accumulate, they can be summarized as a separate service.
As a result, your question is too general on a cosmic scale. It is necessary to clarify and narrow the industry, to reason taking into account the situation, and the answers will be very different, despite the fact that we are talking about "

Anna Chumachenko, 2018-04-15

The correct design of the site with well-placed blocks: the slogan at the top of the site, contacts, forms, reviews, video content - increase the conversion of the site. The created personal style and expensive-looking modern design increase the level of trust in the company. A laconic design is better, but useful information on the site and for everything to work, and of course, adaptability to different devices! Solves the conversion problem, you need to select the target action on the site, what you need for the user to do: press the button order a miscalculation, order a call back, buy a product, everything should kind of lead the user to this.

Yury, 2018-04-19

It sells not a fancy design with ruffles, but a simple, understandable description of the service in demand . Putting myself in the place of the client, the only thing that would interest me in your proposal is the cosmic conversion that you are ready to be responsible for. UPD: From my personal experiments, a beautiful fashionable and modern design with a smeared offer sold much worse than black text on a white background with a clear offer and an honest guarantee of results.

lotse8, 2018-04-19

If the sites are for business, then you don’t need to think about design, but about UI / UX - do it and sell it. And a beautiful button on top like a cherry on a cake.
If for different pops and show-offs, then yes, the design rules.

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