SubFor2019-02-10 16:58:52
Mobile development
SubFor, 2019-02-10 16:58:52

What OKVED codes should IP use to generate income from mobile applications?

I plan to host IOS applications.
The issue of income from Apple and from advertising within applications of various systems, such as AdMob and the like, is of concern.
- What OKVED codes should be used?
- Can anyone advise the most suitable bank for an individual entrepreneur to earn income from Apple and advertising networks such as AdMob?

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1 answer(s)
aol-nnov, 2019-02-10

I'll say something:
1) currency control + RS + RKO
2) How much do you plan to receive from advertising? 30 tyr per year must be given to funds
3) 6% of income
4) OKVED? Well, for example, 74.40, 72.60.

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