niklih132017-12-14 20:33:23
Programming languages
niklih13, 2017-12-14 20:33:23

What language to choose to create a program (see description)?

In general, my partner and I are doing a project. We need to do multi-factor authentication.
The bottom line is that when you start Windows, the program automatically starts working under the guise of a harmless program (the program is intended for children and their parents). And when you try to launch any application, a notification about permission to access the application will be sent to the specified phone number or e-mail address.
For example: Your child decided to play with toys. I learned to turn on the computer, launched my father's Steam account, but my father found out through a notification and denied access.
What do you think is the best language for implementing this program?
PS We already have C#, JavaScript, Python, Delphi

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Ivanov, 2017-12-14

A little chaotic but still...
C#, Delphi - that's it. On the client.
And even Delphi (although many do not like it) because RAD Studio allows you to release cross-platform applications and does not require a .NET framework. And the .NET framework needs C #, and some of the chips are in 4.5, which will not fit on Windows xp. Although who needs xp ...
Well, look - skins. The type of program matters. Everything in C# is paid.
Delphi AlphaControls (one of the best skins IMHO) is free for CIS residents.
And if Delphi is also downloaded for the promotion, then Delphi itself is free (yes, I managed it).
JavaScript - not suitable because more focused on browsers and everything related to them.
Python is suitable as a server language.
Wang the logic of work.
From C#, Delphi post/get request goes to your server (possible via https).
A script (written in Python) is called on the server that already sends letters or sms (there are plenty of them through the SMS gateway) to the phone.

Saboteur, 2017-12-14

On any.
You need to learn not so much the programming language as the operation of the OS and technology in order to understand where to get the information you need from and how to send notifications.

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